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At the tarven,
They were all chit-chatting, laughing and teasing themselves about this and that.
"You're good?" Amir's voice was heard approaching the corner of the tarven
"We knew you would make up." Matt said
"You didn't have to wait here." Amir said
"We were not waiting for you, we were giving Babi who was waiting for Marieh company" Kalvin said trying to show how much they don't care.
"Sorry about your wet uniforms." Darnel said
"It's okay, thank you actually." Marieh said with a small smile.
They had made up right but there was awkwardness, tension and them being shy with each other and all the rest would see that.

"Let's go, you guys will change from school." Nathan said standing up.
As he moved down the tarven stairs, Babi suddenly jumped up on his back while laughing.
"B,..." Nathan struggled to call out as she tightly held him around the neck.
"Sorry " She said laughing.
"You're no longer that light weight that I used to carry around." Nathan said yet properly holding her up for a proper piggyback.
"That's an offence to my girl." Marieh said slightly slapping Nathan on the hand.
"It's what you signed up for bro." Kalvin laughed.
They walked forward leading the way back to school.

"We are in the same boat Kalvin." Nathan laughed walking as well.
"Nah, Neacky is so sweet, B...." He stopped his statement on account of the death stare Babi was giving him.
"Aren't you coming?" Matt asked Darnel and William who were still seated.
William looked at Darnel whose eyes were on Nathan and Babi.
Darnel swallowed hard, bitting his jaws, then bent his head down looking at his feet. William smirked hard, standing up, his eyes watching his uncomfortable, bothered bro.
"We are coming." William said walking ahead.
"Darnel!!!!!" Matt called again after moving a small distance but Darnel still not making a move. They all turned looking at him

"Is he fine?" Kalvin asked.
"He will be fine." William smirked, he seems to enjoy this.
"I hate this feeling." Darnel mumbled to himself standing up with his hands in his pockets, he moved reaching them.
"You guys go ahead, lost mood." He said then walked ahead to a different direction.
"What's wrong with him ?" Amir asked, they were all confused, still watching him go, he suddenly stopped then turned with a smirk.
"Oh wait, I had forgotten, Babi." He loudly said, checking in his pocket removing a note.
"Ahhh, yes Miss Nancy and I were talking about that guy called J." He loudly added.

"This fucker.." Babi angrily shouted jumping off Nathan rushing to him.
Babi reached him grabbing the note reading through it.
"Apparently she wants me to look for him." Darnel said with a smirk, his tone very annoying, yet very loud for everyone to hear.
"Fuck you." Babi angrily shouted.
She hurriedly held his hand pulling him at further distance.
Everyone looking at them confused and interested to hear about that J
"Those two are hot magma about to erupt whenever they are together." Amir noted.
"Somehow, there is always something disturbing them." Matt said.
"Honestly Babi is not so much fond of Darnel, i'm sure he knows so he intentionally gets on her nerves whenever he can." Marieh said.
"Do you think Darnel knows who J is?" Kalvin asked.
"What if you're all reading this wrong?" William commented this with a smirk.
They all looked at him absorbing in his statement.
"What do you mean?" Nathan asked.
"Maybe i'm wrong." William added, his eyes still on the two. They all turned looking at them.

Babi and Darnel stood at a distance, Babi's eyes on the note.
"This is your other handwriting." She said angrily.
"Correct." He replied.
"Then why would my mother have this?" Babi asked angrily.
"I left it for her, when I told her to give my last book to you, so she brought it back to me asking me to find J."Darnel said with a smile.
"Oh wait, to find me." He bent down a little to her face adding annoyingly. Babi sighed in anger
"And?" She asked.
"I turned myself in to her." Darnel smirked.
"This bustard." She shouted with a hard kick on his crus .

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