The royale garden

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Calr walks to the garden and find bob sitting at a table with tea and crumpets ready for him. He sat down and started gobbling his trumpet crumpets. He thought bob was about to confess to him. "So banana." (Do you want to see the dungen where I keep sausage fingers- I mean Charlie warlie.?) Carl was surprised by this question but said yes.

When they went to the dunegon they said hi to herby the soup dude and went into the dingon but there was no hot dog fingers- I mean Charles. "Bob where is charle" Carl sasked. "Banananananana anananannanana banana.(I love you and I want to date you)" calr was so surprised but knew he had a crush on bob to so they made out. Then herb walked in and said "ITS SOUP TIIIIIIIME" and threw soup at them until they left.

They went back to bobs room and Carl said "wow I love you too Bob we should date." "Banana" bob agreed and they make out more. Then a palace staff come in and sasy "sir Bob the economy is failing people are dying and crime rates are higher than ever you must do something!" "banana." Bob syas "but sir-" the gaurd starts "BANANA" bob is angered. The staff runs away. Bob wins! You earned 128 coins and 56 xp!

Carl Azuz x King Bob (minions)Where stories live. Discover now