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A/N: Thank you for spending your time visiting this story, I'm not a professional writer and there may be mistakes here and there but I hope you have a good read.

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The world was in a deep dilemma.

Ever since the revival of the Demon King in the north, the lives of all denizens of the Eilgsue continent had been sufferings after sufferings.

The Demon King and his army were vicious. They overwhelmed the countries' armies with great numbers, superior individual strength, and powerful magic. They razed villages, towns, and cities that they captured, enslaving humans and other races, including children and women for their various purposes. The most forgiving situation for those who fell into the demons' hands being forced into labor, while the most unfortunate souls would end up being livestock, waiting day by day just to be eaten, alive or cooked.

The nations of the continent tried different things to push the demon back or at least halt their advance, from upgrading their military equipment and conscription in order to increase their army capability to researching new magic to challenge difficult enemies. After some time, many realized that one country alone does not has the necessary force to face the demon army, so the nations of Eilsgue banded together to form what was called the 'Eilsgue Demon Defense Pact'. The Defense Pact, a shortened name, aimed to focus the effort of the entire continent's fighting force and resources on places that are under direct threat from the demon invasion so as to have a better chance of fighting them back. However, not everyone agreed with the idea.

At first, some island countries near the demon's controlled territory opted to close their borders and switched to a self-sufficiency economy instead of joining the Defense Pact, their reason taken from the fact that the demon did not seem to have the technology needed to cross the ocean, and thus they were safe from the demon army.

That was until the Kingdom of Fishowi was attacked and absolutely devastated. The demon's movement betrayed earlier impressions as they arrived at the shore of the island nation with ships built by the once thought primitive race and sea monsters so gigantic there were not many ways to slay them. The invasion was so sudden it caught the Fishowian authorities off-guard. The nation put up little fight as they didn't have the time to prepare. Battles and resistances were small and uncoordinated and they always resulted in the decisive victory of the demon. The entirety of the nation was conquered in just a month, its citizens enslaved and its royal family publicly executed to send a grim message.

You are not safe, no matter where you are.

The news caused mass panic among the island countries, and a lot had no other choice but to join the Defense Pact unless they want the same thing to happen.

Such an addition had led to the current situation. The whole continent is focusing on three major theaters, which in a west to east direction were the Gashol plain, the Ushimus mountain pass, and the Halkega city. For now, both sides are fighting on equal terms and neither army was gaining ground, but that could not go on forever.

A massive number of demonic troops were observed moving to the three theaters, and the Pact responded by doing the same. The war was wearing down many people especially the ones directly engaging at the frontlines, they longed for the once more peaceful times, though they weren't particularly hopeful.

And then the otherworldly heroes were summoned.


Seiwayan City, Ruten Kingdom.

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