For school, we have been homeschooling the children because they all sometimes can't control their magic when they get upset. We didn't want to risk exposing the supernatural world so we thought for now homeschooling seemed like the best option. I know that right about now Alaric and Caroline are setting up the Salvatore school but obviously, they don't have the money to make it official. So we decided to contact them then we are going to go to Mystic Falls and offer to help them. Obviously, they won't agree at first but knowing how much they need the money and how we only want to have a safe environment where our children can go to school without worrying about their magic getting out of control. They will eventually agree.

Thinking about these last few years has really made Hayley think more about the time she was pregnant with the triplets and then the twins.


Today was the day we found out the gender of the triplets. Klaus thinks it will be all girls but I don't know maybe 2 boys and 1 girl or all boys. It doesn't really matter, I'll be happy regardless of gender. As long as they're healthy I'm fine with anything.

"Are you both ready to find out the gender of the triplets," the doctor said as she moved the transducer around Hayley's stomach.

"Yes," Hayley said excitedly.

"As you can see my wife is very excited to know the genders," Klaus said as he held Hayley's hand.

"Well, I can't help it. I'm not good with waiting. I want to know so we can get started on the nursery and buy new clothes."

The doctor then continued looking at the screen until she found what she was looking for.

"Well, congratulations you're having all boys."

"Oh my god," Hayley said in disbelief.

After getting cleaned up and taking their new ultrasound they then get home from their appointment to find everyone in the living room waiting for them.

"So, what are you having," Rebekah asked excitedly.

"Are you really that curious to know the gender of our babies little sister?"

"Of course I am, it's not every day my sister-in-law is pregnant with triplets."

"Let's hope not," Hayley said shivering at the thought.

"So, what are they!"

"We're having all boys," Hayley said.

Everyone was so excited, especially Rebekah.

"Wow, 3 mini Niks what a terror," Kol said humorously.

"Really Kol, I think it's great that they're having all boys. It would be great if they were like Klaus," Freya said.

"Well of course you think that, you didn't have to spend a thousand years with him."

(Time skip 2 years. They find out they're having twins, which also skips to when they tell everyone their girls.)

Klaus and Hayley looking at the sonogram when the doctor says we'll it looks like you're having more than 1 baby again.

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