"I wish that were true," Lucius grimaced.

     "Oh, mate, I have got to know that story," Ed leaned over the table.

     "It's not much of a story. A very old man said he'd buy me dinner if I kissed him, but we kissed, and then I lost my appetite, so it was kind of all for not," Lucius recalled.

     "I bet it was nicer than kissin Pete," Frenchie teased.

     "Very little is nicer than kissing Pete," Lucius looked at Pete and winked, and then went back to drinking his soup. Pete choked on his bread.

     "Why did we dock?" Lucius asked, stepping out of his cabin and seeing Pete walk by.

     "I thought you'd know. Cap'n wanted to see the traveling market that stopped here, so he's gonna go check that out. I'm going with him," Pete explained.

     "Oh, alright. Now?" Lucius asked.

     "Yeah," Pete replied, walking away.

     "Okay. Make sure you don't forget anything," Lucius called after him.

     "What could I possibly need to bring?" Pete turned around.

     "I never said you needed to bring anything," Lucius folded his arms and leaned against his doorframe. Pete did not understand. Lucius beckoned Pete with the 'come here' finger motion. Pete stepped forward.

     "What am I supposed to remember?" Pete asked.

     "Oh, you stupid man," Lucius sighed. Pete may have protested, if he had time. Lucius put a hand behind his head and kissed him. Pete was honestly a bit shocked. When Lucius pulled away, he smiled and patted Pete's shoulder.

     "Have fun," Lucius said, and turned Pete back around, and pushed him on his way.

     When Pete went to the market with Stede, he looked everywhere for a suitable gift for Lucius. There was no occasion, but Pete was beginning to get the feeling he might have a chance. Sure, to an outsider, it would seem like Lucius was being horribly obvious, but anyone that knew him knew better. Lucius played games with people. He was the kind of person that could drink half the cup of tea before deciding he didn't like it: metaphorically dipping his feet in just once was never enough. He'd sleep with someone a few times, maybe go on a couple dates, and then decide if he truly liked the person or not. Knowing this, Pete was wiser than to think sex and kisses meant anything to Lucius, as much as he hoped it did.

     So if the usual tactics didn't work, Pete decided he'd just have to court Lucius full-on, gifts and everything. Unfortunately, though, nothing seemed to be right. Pete didn't see anything he thought Lucius would like or want. When looking at the clothes, Pete could hear Lucius in his head insulting every last item in great detail.

     He came back empty-handed, but decided to take the initiative and kiss Lucius as a greeting when he got back on the ship. Lucius, ever expressive, seemed to like that.

     "Poor Lucius dun got his finger bit," Buttons lamented.

     "You were the one that bit it," Pete pointed out.

     "Aye," Buttons nodded, like it had no relevance to his original point.

     "So then why are you bringing it up?" Pete asked.

     "They're startin ta say it's gettin time to cut it off," Buttons said gravely, and pursed his lips.

     "What? But then- how will- he won't be able to draw or write or anything, and that's, like, his whole job," Pete argued.

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