Your Best Friend/s

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Well I have three that I'd like to write about.


Dear Squiggle

I Really don't Know where to start with this. I remeber the first time I ever met you, I remeber it like it was yesterday. It was in a very hard part in my life and little did I know that an angle had walked right into my life. You came with my Auntie and Your Auntie to my place to get me to for afternoon tea. I really didn't know you loved horses just as much as I did. We went to a little cafe, and yar I should remeber the name but I don't, I know you remeber the name heheh. We shared a mint slice and an orange juice. we got talking and found we loved horses and that you rode and we shared cell number. A week later I went to your place and went down the road to riding. You introducted we to Princess, Moonie, Pop eye, Star, Blaze, Charlie. We didn't ride that day we just went horse spotting down the road. Not long after Comet came and I rode him a few times. Little did we see that we were becaming very close friends. To start with I never went riding with out you. Then I started to ride Charlie. We went for long rides together and this keeped going. I remeber the day we made leave angels together, and when ever I hear the song Hot Air Balloon, I think of you. I thank you for being there for me when I wasn't ther for myself. When I didn't believe in myself but you believed in me. You were there at my first show on Charlie, you were there the whole way. You didn't care about my past, you were there for the me now. I loved that you came to see Koda with my for the first time, that you helped me with my riding so much. I can't thank you enough as there is no words for what I am trying to say.

Bar that I love you little sister, best friend


To Boris

Well I love how we are really close, even thought you were jelly of me riding Charlie, I know that it must have been super hard for you to see me riding him, when you couldn't but you loved him so super much. I really like that you can intrust me with your secrets and know that I will keep them. We really didn't notice how alike we really were till a short time ago, but now we like apple and pie. I shared me greatest fares with you and you did to me. Now it's super lovely to know that with Koda and Charlie that we can ride together in away we havn't been able to do so before. It's so nice to be able to speed time like we do now. Super cool we both Potterheads and we have little times that we just say some of the quotes from them. You are an amazing friend  a beautiful young women. You are like the shining stars and because of you my world shines that much brighter that I have you in it. You are a best friend and a amazing sister. I really wished you saw just how beatiful you really are, how much you mean to me.  Thanks for all the amazing work you do with Koda it's really awsome and I really happy you do so well with her. I'm glade you are starting to get better and all I love you like a sister. Don't ever forget just hoe special you are xoxox


To Pole girl

Haha I really couldn't help but call you that, when you where trying to improve my postion when riding so being the start and lovely person you are you made me walk round with a pole. I love all the super photos you take when we are riding. That you just love star to bits. You do super well on him and thats really cool to see. I really enjoy that you help me with my riding so much, even when it means you take away my rains and run over jumps with me and Koda :) It was really awsome that you came and saw the Kiamawas with us and youi asked for just chesse, bacon and carrot in your subway and the man also forgot to put the bacon in... Cheese and carot subway yummie:) It's so cool how well you do with all the minis, your just a nature at them. You always make me smile and it's awsome to see just how much you enjoy being with your friends. I've had amazing memorys with you and thats awsome thanks so much

I have come to see I really don't have any best friends, I thought I did, but it just hurts to know someone ment more to you than you did to them

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