She then hiccuped. 

Penny then ran off.

"I.... I should probably check on her to keep her in check," said (Y/N).

"Wait, but," said Weiss, as (Y/N) left.

Weiss felt a bit crushed. She felt like (Y/N) loved Ruby and Yang more than her.

Ruby chased Penny across Vale, and she wasn't looking where she was going.

Penny was quick to stop a truck from hitting Ruby.

(Y/N) came down, and said, "Ruby!! You need to be more careful!!"

Penny then opened the door and asked the driver, "Are you okay?"

The driver nodded. Penny then looked at her hands and ran off into an alley.

"Penny!" cried Ruby, "Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine," said Penny.

She then hiccuped again. "Penny," said (Y/N), "what is wrong?"

"You wouldn't understand," said Penny.

"We're your friends," said Ruby, "you can trust us."

Penny then sighed and said, "Ruby, (Y/N), I'm not a real girl."

Penny then opened her hands and revealed mechanical parts under her skin.

"You're.... a cyborg, like me?" asked (Y/N).

"Not entirely," said Penny, "I'm the first synthetic being able to generate Aura."

"Penny, just because you don't have bones and flesh, it doesn't mean that you're not a real person," said Ruby, "you are just as real as we are."

"I mean, look at me," said (Y/N), "I was turned into this thing just to survive, yet I'm still treated as a regular person.

Penny then picked the two up in a crushing hug and said, "OH, YOU TWO ARE THE BEST FRIENDS ANYONE COULD EVER HAVE!!"

Penny then put them down and asked, "Will you guys keep my secret?"

"Yes," said (Y/N), "we promise."

"She went down here!" cried a voice.

Penny then picked up (Y/N) and Ruby and threw them in a trash bin and closed the lid. Two men then found Penny by herself.

"Penny," said one of the men, "are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Just a scratch," replied Penny.

"Where are the other two?" asked the other man.

"What other two? I've been by myself all day," replied Penny as she let out another hiccup.

"Penny, you shouldn't make such a scene," said the first man, "you're father is not going to be happy."

Penny then walked off. (Y/N) climbed out and looked to Ruby, signaling that it was safe to come out.

Just then, they got a message that Blake and Sun were being chased by Roman in a mech suit.

They raced off, and (Y/N) and Ruby took off at high speeds.

Neptune and Sun jumped on the back of the suit, but it threw them off.

"Freezer Burner!" cried Ruby.

Weiss made ice, and Yang punched it, making mist, messing with the heat seeking.

The team all ran around, messing with Torchwick.

"Check Mate!" cried Ruby.

Weiss and Blake attacked, and the former disabled the machine guns, and the right arm.

Missiles were launched, and one hit Weiss.

Before she was hit, she made a time dial, which helped Blake slice through the remaining missiles.

"Lady Bug!!"

Ruby and Blake then charged, and attacked the legs.

Yang was punching it hard until she was smacked to the side.

"Don't worry," said Ruby, "she gets stronger each time she gets hit. It's what makes her special."

Yang then emerged unhurt, and her hair was on fire and her purple eyes turned red. She then yelled and punched the mech until the left arm broke to pieces.

"We need to slow it down!!" cried Ruby.

"And how do you propose we do that?" asked Weiss.

"Grievous Dragon Rose!"

Ruby and (Y/N) then charged, weapons at the ready!!

The two then attacked, with Yang at the ready, and they destroyed the whole mech.

Yang then charged at Roman, but an umbrella blocked her punch. The one holding the umbrella had brown hair with pink highlights, a black and white suit and knee high, high-heel boots.

"Ladies, Robot Ice Queen," said Roman.

"Hey!" cried Weiss and (Y/N).

"It's been a pleasure," said Roman, "Neo, if you would?"

Yang charged with a punch, only for the two to shatter like glass.

They looked up and saw an airship with the three villains on it.

"Looks like he got a new henchman," said Yang.

"I guess you could say she made our plans," said Weiss, "Fall apart?"

Everyone just sighed in annoyance.

"What?" said Weiss, "Yang does jokes all the time."

"There's a time and place for jokes," said Yang.

"What!? Was this not the right time?"

"No, it just wasn't that good."

"Well at least I'm trying!"

"Gotta give her credit for that," said (Y/N).

"Wait," said Ruby, "Where are Sun and Neptune?"

"I think they're at a booth eating noodles," said (Y/N).

"Hey, (Y/N)," said Weiss, "I... was wondering, if you'd like to bond, this weekend?"

"Like, siblings?" asked (Y/N).

"Yes, I...... I've been really wanting to rebond with you for some time."

Even though (Y/N) had no lips, you could tell he was smiling.

"Sure thing, sis," said (Y/N), putting Weiss in a one arm hug.

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