One | Moving In

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A/n: Read the description for fair warnings and more info.

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     New Holland. That's where you and your family just moved to, even though you didn't really want to. You've moved quite a few times, due to your parents getting new jobs. You live with your mom, dad, and your little Bichon Frise dog, Sofie. Most of the time, she acts like your only friend. You didn't have lots of friends at your last school, but you hoped to make at least one, in your new one. You actually hoped a lot of things would happen this year, because you've been working on your social skills, hoping to finally put them to good use. Since you're now in 8th grade (second year of middle school), you're gonna try your hardest to fit in your new neighborhood. You are Y/n L/n, and your life's 'bout to change.

    Pulling in the driveway of your new house, you wake up from your nap, seeing Sofie who was resting her head on your lap. She moves and you open the door to the van, getting out and stretching your body, from the long car ride. You then gaze at your new two-story house, getting excited to call dibs your new bedroom. Turning your gaze away from the house, you see all the other houses-


You quickly look back and see your dad getting boxes out from the trunk.
     "Y/n! Grab your stuff and put them in the house."

You nod your head and grab two boxes with your name in permeant marker on them. Walking through the front door, you then make your way up some stairs and start looking for your room. You end up taking the room at the end of the hallway that seems to be on the side of the house.

Putting the boxes down on the wood-flooring, you look at a window and decide to open it for fresh air. You look outside and realize it's facing your neighbor's house. There is another window  lining up with yours and you notice someone in the room. It appears to be a boy with black hair, sitting at his desk writing something. He looks to be around your age. You couldn't quite see his face since he was looking down at his paper. But then, he suddenly stopped writing, and looked up meeting your stare.

You nearly jumped at it, surprised he caught you. You didn't really realize you were staring until now. Now he's staring at you. You could finally see his face, and his eyes seemed to be narrow, like he was Chinese or Japanese. He looked almost serious, like the expression was glued to his face.

He scoffs, and stands up to close his window's blinds. You realized you probably came off creepy to him, since you were staring first. Your thoughts got interrupted by your mom calling you from down stairs.

You quickly exited your room and went downstairs to help with more boxes.


You and your parents had finished putting the boxes in their belonging rooms. You were now unpacking a box with a sleeping bag and pillow inside, and lied them down in a corner of the room. Then you got a book from another box, sat down, and started reading.

30 minutes later, it was now 8:55pm. You put your book down, and got up. Going back to your thoughts from earlier, you leaned on the ledge of the same window from before. The first thing you noticed, the boy's blinds were open again. You saw him at his desk again, reading a book like you just were.

You took the chance to admire him. Not trying to fall for someone you haven't exactly met yet, but he did look.. handsome. Maybe a little cute even. But before you decided to think anymore about that subject. You thought if you'll meet him in school. Maybe get to know him a little properly, instead of staring at him through the window. You wondered what his personality would be like. Would he be nice? Weird? Rude? You've only looked at him from afar and you already have so many questions about him.

You were so lost in thought that you didn't even notice him trying to get your attention. He ended up blowing an air horn out his window, which caught your attention fast. You saw that he was holding a piece of paper with big written words on it saying, "It's not polite to stare."

Realizing once again, you gave him a gesture by putting your hands flat together pointing upwards and giving him a quick bow. You left his sight in the window and lay down in your sleeping bag. He scoffed from his room and closed the blinds again.

You ignored the slight rudeness he gave you, and just continued imagining a friendship with him. A few minutes later you decided to sleep, knowing you had an even bigger day tomorrow. And the main thing was a little hellhole called school.


A/n: Hello, I'll keep this simple for you. I've just written the last paragraph after re-reading the rest from last year, which was a long time ago of course. I don't know how I plan to actually keep up with this story and updating, so don't rush please. If you like the story maybe just leave comments that tell me that and it would give me more motivation and such which would help me update.


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