The Normalness returning (ch 14)

Beginne am Anfang

we were chasing hawks, we seem to have taken a brief break so I cant talk long


so why did you have to get everyone's attention for the group chat

oh yeah, I can proudly announce that Ultron is gone

Edgelord🖤 is offline


Maybe his time is up


clearly not

🔥Roki❄️ Is offline


You are offline

*few days after the "the incident" and first day back*

Ejiro, hanto and Y/n: *in unison* pfhahahha, holy crap, what the heck bakugo

Katsuki: quit laughing! my hairs gotten use to this and I can't get it back the right way, do you not hear me I'll kill the three of you

Katsuki: quit laughing! my hairs gotten use to this and I can't get it back the right way, do you not hear me I'll kill the three of you

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Hanto: I'd like to see you try pretty boy

Katsuki: WHAT DID YOU CALL ME *hair explodes to normal*

Ejiro: *dying*

Y/n: Hey, there it goes

*Some other class nonsense later (I can't be bothered to put all the dialogue in)*

Denki: now, if you want to talk about the ones who really changed, it was those four

Hanto: oh, yeah the hero killer

Ejiro: glad you guys made it back alive, seriously

Y/n: well-

Momo: I worried about you, too

Y/n:... Roki-

Roki: s h u t

Sato: you were lucky endeavor showed up to save you guys

Tori: so cool, just what I'd expect from the number two hero

(On Hiatus) Cyborg's Little Tinker (mei hatsume x male reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt