An Update

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Hey everyone. Thought I would post an update on how life. Well since April 30th my Dad has been in an assisted living facility due to a fall. He has been working hard but it's very very slow. So that's why the slow updates sorry.
Today I was officially diagnosed with asthma and have been referred to a cardiologist due a family history of heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems. I also have to see a psychiatrist as I may have ADHD and high functioning autism. But nothing concrete yet. Will post another update when I see the other doctors. Safe to say turning 40 last month and I finally had the courage to bring up all my health concerns. Thanks to WeWantAnswers for being a constant in my life letting me vent and at times just listening to my fears. Thank you for being a friend. To morrisonmygirl thanks for being a cheerleader when I put out a chapter. Murrah5 thanks for the laughs with all the Ghost Adventures gifs.

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