spook sixty ;; ☾

Start from the beginning

as he spoke the other supernaturals froze, before one timidly spoke up.

"wait, are you...?" horror filled its tone. "p-please forgive us, we beg of you..."

"we had no idea they were your prey..." another insisted, its words rushed and somewhat slurred together. "lord si—"

both supernaturals that were speaking broke off, and the sound of crunching bone and splattering brain matter made you turn your head- just in time to see the bigger supernatural crush the lesser ones in his hands. a mournful moaning spread throughout the others, pleads mixed in with the wails.

"lord six, have mercy...!" one choked out, before it too painted the wall in dark crimson and chunks of rotting flesh. a few turned, trying to scamper away, but the supernatural brought them to an end with ease as well. bile rose in your throat at the merciless slaughter, and even though the creatures had tried to attack you pity still wormed its way into your churning stomach.

a bloody chunk of meat landed on your school slipper, sliding off and hitting the floor with a wet slap. you tried to draw your gaze away from the graphic scene, but could only stare gaping at the intimidating, monstrously tall supernatural before you. he donned white clothes and a mask that looked like some sort of animal skull- horns were protruding from the top and side, pointed and gleaming in the moonlight.

'they called him lord six... so is he one of the school mysteries?!' you glanced to the mess at his feet, furrowing your brow and nudging akane furiously. 'is he helping us? well, he's fighting other supernaturals, so maybe. ugh... akane, wake up, dumbass!' you hooked your hands under his arms, yanking him to a position where you could pull him up bridal style. you staggered under his weight. 'we have to get the hell out of here before he decides he wants human suede couches to match his bloody wallpaper!'

"well, well..." before you could scurry away the school mystery turned to face you. "you two look mighty tasty- and i'm so hungry."

"uh..." as he drew closer you stumbled back, almost fumbling your grip on akane as you rambled on in nervousness, tail bristled up from fright. "i'm all skin and bones, really gross- just sinew and stuff, so personally i wouldn't eat me- i'm pretty bitter, too, not that great of a meal..." you picked up one of akane's limp arms, shaking your head. "and hey, what the hell do you know, haha-? he's not either! tough muscles and chewy meat, hardly any flavor... oh boy..."

you swallowed thickly as the school mystery reached his hand down to grip your cheeks, turning your face from side to side. he had an amused air about him as he tipped his head, voice rumbling in a low hum.

"there are an awful lot of students here, though... i'm sure no one would notice if i ate one or two of the... rather odd ones."

he rested his free hand in between your fluffy cat ears, and you stiffened, pupils shrinking as your gaze flicked over the mask covering his face.

"you're one of the school mysteries, right..?" you squeaked, voice raising a pitch as no. 6 loomed even closer. "your boss- hanako san, honorable no. 7, the lame boy in the girl's restroom- he's one of my- my best friends, and he really likes me, so he'd be really pissed off if you... ate me..."

you trailed off as no. 6's grip on your face loosened, and suddenly he pulled himself away.

"this aura..." he murmured, as though now in a trance. "could it be...?"

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