"It'll slow down soon enough Bella. Everyone has gone through this at some point, and Rose and I will be by your side the entire way."

I smiled at her. "Thanks Ali. I really appreciate that."

"All in a days work, my dear sister, and perhaps we should curb the talk of your wedding and go for a hunt. I always found it slowed my mind down considerably." Alice said softly.

I nodded and followed her outside, letting our instincts guide us to our meal.

Rosalie's POV

It had been too long since Jasper and I took the time to do something together, and while I wasn't a big fan of museums, I enjoyed the time I got to spend with my closest male

sibling. "So Rose, I guess you're finally getting the wedding you have always dreamed of." He said with a kind smile.

I smiled at him. "I guess I am, and I still can't believe that I had the guts to propose to Bella. I really thought that she would never want to get married after what happened to

her mother's marriages, and of course that shit with her father wouldn't have helped."

"You have always been gutsy, Rose, and Bella has jumped at every opportunity to be with you. I have always felt so much love and lust coming from her whenever she was around

you that it sometimes still baffles me. Your emotions were always clear to me of course, but even as a human Bella failed to keep a lid on them whenever you were close to her."

Jasper said softly.

"How amazing it must sometimes be to have your gift Jazz, but I know it can be a curse as well, how on earth do you manage it?" I asked softly.

He smiled at that. "It's difficult at times, but having the background I have has made it easier to cope over the years."

I smiled and led him to the museum restaurant, so we could get something to eat. "Sometimes it bugs me that I'm one of the few members of the family that doesn't have a gift,

but then I see what you, Alice and Bella sometimes go through, I'm glad I don't have one."

"Everyone has a gift in some way. Your gift is your beauty, but since you never had eyes for anyone else but Bella, I presume you never noticed." He said with a smile.

"Of course I noticed, I just never cared for the lust filled stares from those prepubescent boys, or the jealous stares from those bimbos at school. Only my Bella has been able to

draw my attention from the moment she walked into that cafeteria."

Jasper smiled at me. "It seems she did more than just draw your attention, since you are set to be married soon enough."

I nodded at that. "She has always been the only one for me, but of course Edward had to get in the way, as he always did when it came to anyone in our family."

"Edward was the one thing that kept our family back, and now that we are rid of him, we can finally move forward, and I must apologize for not doing anything about him sooner,

but apparently Alice had already seen how most things were going to play out, and she asked me not to interfere and that everything would sort itself out." He said softly.

"I know, Alice told me of her visions while Bella was resting after her attack, and I don't blame you, far from it. If anyone would get the satisfaction of enjoying his end, it should

have been Bella, and I am glad that you two are starting to bond as well. She needs a big brother who she can have real conversations with." I said with a soft smile.

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