In that respect, this was a new venture for her as she'd never worked with other brands before. Luckily, Dylan instinctually understood so much about racing and Formula One so she calmed herself with the hopeful belief that it wouldn't take long for her to figure out Red Bull's online format. 

Most of all, she was most excited to meet Max. After yesterday's dinner, she wasn't so intimidated by the drivers and she was keen to become friends with Max as she had just done with the other boys. Carlos may not be there to smooth the introduction but she was plenty charming by herself. Well, that was what she told herself, anyway.


At the loud shout, she opened her eyes to see an excitable Lando bounding towards her across reception. His energy was infectious and she found herself laughing before he even reached her. How he looked so alive and energetic so early in the morning and after such a late night, she did not know but she welcomed it all the same. People who thrived in the morning had never made sense to her.

"Hi Land-oh!" She was abruptly pulled out of her seat and into a hug by the driver. 

Dylan loved people like Lando.

Friendly, welcoming, and just kind. All the drivers had been lovely but Lando had been the most welcoming of everyone, acting as if they'd known each other for years. Which, in a weird way, they had.

"Good morning!"

"How are you feeling?" Dylan asked, pulling out of the hug and picking her bag up off the floor.

"Hyped. Amped. Excited. Ready."

"Love to hear it." She grinned, "You're gonna smash it today!"

"That's the plan!"

The pair began to walk through the sea of different team uniforms towards the entrance doors. It was a squeeze to get through and she had to grab Lando's arm to not get lost in the crowd. He laughed as they weaved their way through, clearly experienced in hotel swarms.

Once they were out and walking towards the car park, she turned and smiled at him, "I'm sorry my cousin has clearly recruited you into this by the way. I could've found my own way to the track, he didn't really give me much choice."

"I didn't mind when he asked." He shrugged, "First time at the track can be a bit overwhelming and friends help each other."

"Well, I'm glad we're friends."

Lando grinned, directing them both to his McLaren 570S coupe parked in the secure zone. Dylan could've sworn she looked like the real-life version of the heart-eyes emoji. She trailed her hand along the front of it, admiring the sleekness. 

McLaren had never been her favourite car manufacturer but she had to admire the design and it was impossible to discount the years of dominant history that came from their F1 team. It was with them that Lewis Hamilton won his first ever World Championship so she'd always admired their credentials, even if they'd never been her favourite. Lando was doing great things with them now and trying to rebuild that legacy that had been lost. 

"Nice car." She complimented.

"Thank you kindly. Now get in it before we're late."

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