"Ana, my saviour!"

Dylan wrapped her arms around her cousin. Ana was only one year older than her so they'd always been fairly close. They shared a love for the same fashion trends and music artists. Even now, Ana would sent her screenshots or pictures of outfits she liked and they could lose themselves for hours talking about accessories or recent fashion shows. Dylan didn't have the effortless knack for styling that Ana did, but she benefitted from her cousin's knowledge and the dress she wore tonight was an Ana Sainz recommendation.

Blanca, on the other hand, was 7 years older than her and had fancied herself very grown up when they were children so they weren't as close but it had been lovely for Dylan to have an older sister figure. Blanca had always been there for advice, especially as Dylan started university and was nervous to meet so many new people. She'd phoned her cousin and vented all her anxieties the night before she was due to move and Blanca had patiently calmed her down, sharing her own university stories.

It was wonderful to see both sisters at a race weekend again. Neither shared the same love for cars as did Dylan and Carlos so they were a rare sight at the track. Ana especially had made it clear that she hated the high speeds and couldn't bear to watch Carlos race so Dylan knew her attendance would mean a lot to her brother.

"How was your flight?" Dylan asked once she had finished the round of hugs.

"Fairly quick. Food was good." Blanca shrugged.

"Yeah it was lovely, but someone-" Ana sent a very pointed glare towards Carlos, "-lost the bag with my shoes in it."

"It's your bag, why was I responsible for it?" He retorted.

"You and papá were responsible for all the bags!" She whined, stamping her foot like the youngest daughter she was.

"You're a grown adult, did you not notice-"

"Enough!" Her uncle interrupted them, "We are not having this argument again, we are already late as it is. Ana, you have more than enough shoes in your other bags."

Carlos smirked triumphantly as his younger sister pouted. A fellow shoe lover herself, Dylan knew Ana's pain and she looped her arm through her cousin's, leading her away and towards the taxis, "You can share my shoes, don't worry."

"See that's why you're my favourite."

"I can still hear you!" Carlos boomed from a few feet behind.

The two girls giggled, glancing back at Carlos Jr. and Carlos Sr. loading the endless bags onto a trolley and handing it over to a waiting employee. Once the luggage was sorted, they joined the girls at the taxi rank and the family set off for the Welcome Dinner.

"Who's going to be there tonight?" Dylan asked, legs bouncing in excitement.

She wondered whether she would get a chance to meet Max in advance. It would be great if she could introduce herself so she could jump straight into work tomorrow. Her job would be made so much easier if she already had a working relationship with him. In a way, she was sad she'd opted not to work with Carlos because it would have been so easy for her from knowing him so well, but she hadn't wanted to give anyone reason to think she hadn't earned her role.

"Sorry, chiquita, Max's plane doesn't get in for another few hours so he won't be at the dinner tonight." Carlos saw right through her question and smiled apologetically, "But other drivers will be there, so I can introduce you. Loads of them will probably remember you from the old days."

Dylan doubted it but the gesture was nice, "Well, I'm really looking forward to it."

"We're so proud of you, cariño." Her auntie smiled fondly at her before looking at Carlos, "It's so beautiful for you two to be working together."

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