19.0 Delete the Data

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2nd pov, [short chapter]

"Aye- Kyu, chill! Look I know you're mad but- let's talk about this" you nervously laugh, slowly backing away from her. You could feel she was furious and wanted nothing but to delete the data with no hesitation "I'm not going to calm down, y/n"

After the diner thingy, she explains how that world and this world have the same data which causes much more damage and troublesome and now she treating both of you to delete the data "C'mon, I understand-"

She growled "No, enough. I have enough" her exclaim echoes through the hallway. The Player backed away, almost hitting the wall "Since you created data in the diner by getting more endings, now things have to proceed even more!" You flinched

Your gaze quickly went to the window went you feel someone eyes at you. But when you look at it there's nothing was in there, but somehow you hear a leaf got stepped on...

"We don't know, that's going to happen-" kyu tone went increased "This world is beginning to break again...you know what?" She floats forward to both of you as you stumble into the bed "...I'm deleting your data" you gasped in shock, and your legs become jelly "Wait- don't!"

"I'm not going to hear them...I'm reverting it all as if nothing happens. Yes just like that- don't look at me like that" kyu hummed "I give you time before this world finally deleted, got it?" You cursed under your breath, hopelessly nodded in agreement since you can't do anything except do what she told "Alright..."

"Good, one minute is enough. Hurry" she then floats away without a glance. However, your head is still in pain trying to recover from the horrible headache "C'mon, let's go" you pulled Player to the exit door room, running out of the house. Remembering what Dummy said you told Player to take it

Watching him pick it up, he then froze for a while before running out from the store which confused you a bit but follow him anyway. Player huffed puffed while reaching toward the angry brick...





...time skip

You running, following Player from behind. After Cashier is aware of both of you now you feel like he's going to rip you apart from deleting the data. Great, his eyes even turn to green...

You hopped there to there, avoiding any holes as possible, pushing some of the furniture on your way, you were to struggle to keep the run. However, Player only did a Parkour "Are we almost there?!" You exclaimed feeling your lungs burning inside

Player only nodded, speeding the run to get the soon as possible. Climbing the roads, you finally arrived at the broken house as Player helped you to get up "this way" he pulls you and ran towards the room

Sliding dramatically, both of you were about to press the button when all of the sudden your entire figure froze in place you knew who did it. Cashier appears from nowhere, pushes Player in force till it hit behind the wall and dropped slightly "Let me go-"

"Y/n, please don't do it" Cashier's grip tightened, his black orb now glowing green gazing into your eyes, begging for you to not do it "i- look it's for your own, good. we did this because-"

"Please don't, I don't want all the moments we have to be forgotten just like that. Please-" Then just like that everything went normal again, confusing the both of you "Wait, did Dummy do something?" The cashier lets go of your shoulder just like that Kyu and Dummy appear from nowhere...

They begin to talk and apologized to each other. You and Player keep the conversation serious till finally, Kyu decided to start the thingy...

And that, your vision went dark.

Bruh, this chapter is lazy and rushed because I want this part to end. Sorry-

Btw, published two chapters in a day :)

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