Chp.1 - Notice

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one day, the first year class of abnormal class was with their teacher kalego, 

they were having a mock fight to further enhance their control of their powers as well raw strength with out using it . 

the time passed by and the class ended. Kalego was exhausted and his neck was free of his cape like coat for a millisecond , exposing his neck. and a little observant student named iruma saw a glint of gold. 

Was that a ring around kalego-sensei's neck ?'






" you saw what ? " Alice and Clara repeated 

" I. SAW. A. RING.A. WEDING.RING." iruma told them 

" our teacher is MARRIED? TO WHOM ? " lied butted into their little conversation 

" I bet it's robin-sensei "  Goemon huffed 

" dude it's baalm sensei" lied seconded  

" but kalego sensei doesn't roll that way guys " Iruma told the two 

" are you sure ?I smell bull" Piccro was on Goemon and lied's side 

" beats me plus should we really put our noses into someone's business ? Especially our teacher's  " Sabnock said while making sure to hide his nervousness with all his loud voice 

" but...Sabnock-kun it is OUR TEACHERS LOVE STORY more specially KALEGO-SENSEI'S STORY !!!! " Kamui exclaimed wanting to know 

" I want to know more about kalego sensei because he 'just look so mysterious all the time " Jazz said  
" okay " Sabnock sighed know where this will take them.

"shu ku ni "

the student's shrieked hear their homeroom teacher 's voice behind them. 

" you saw my ring " kalego had a low voice, asking iruma who shivered. the poor human heaved a sigh and courageously nodded 

"Yes I have. but it as and accident-" he was cut of by a sigh from kalego 

" okay so, I know you're all curios well most of you " kalego said gesturing his students to sit down while taking the teacher's chair 

" Yes, I'm married " 

kalego saw this as an opportunity to rile up his students. 

" okay whoever guesses the right until  the end of the weeks have no homework for the next whole week as for who don't double the homework " 

all of the student's went quiet. A signal that thy took kalego's bait. 

A smirk was found on the older demon's face 

" Deal ?" 

"I volunteer to take double homework " Sabnock said looking at him 
kalego saw that coming 

" whatever not like you'll guess right anyways " alice said 



oh how wrong they were

and that's the start of kalego's chaotic week and he regretted it immediately......

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