005: Talk Crazy To Me

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     He shrugged.  "Call me a hopeless romantic."

     "I do and I will," Megara said as she felt her phone buzz from her back pocket.  She was almost so zoned out that she didn't hear the front door open, her own hopeless romantic dragging his feet in from the cold outside.  "Nawww... shit," she muttered to herself as she read a new text from her father.

     "Hey guys," Ricky shuddered as he rubbed his arms, embracing the warmth of the pizzeria and giving a quick but warm smile to his friends.

     "One moment," Megara held her index finger up to him before bringing her phone to her ear.

     "La miel, I am at work, that's why I texted you," her father's voice rang through her phone as she then groaned quietly.  "I'm sorry, but no one else is able to get it, we all have work on the weekends and you're the only one who doesn't."

     "What's going on?" Ricky whispered to Big Red, who only cluelessly shrugged before they watched Megara.

     "So you want me to drive all the way to another city over four hours away by myself to get it?" Megara asked.

     As if realizing what he was asking of his daughter, Mr. Montez said, "Is it too much of a hassle for you?"

     Megara sighed in disbelief.  "Doesn't she have bridesmaids who can do this?"

     "Mira, you're her maid of honor.  She asked you."

     "I am a child!  A baby!" Megara exclaimed.  "I can't go by myself!"

     She heard her dad sigh, and she imagined him rubbing his temples.  She knew that he worked hard and long hours for a reason — so he could enjoy the time that he did get off from work — and the last thing she wanted to do was bother him at work.  She never called unless it was an emergency.  "Can you ask one of your friends to take the drive with you?"

     Megara wanted to scoff, groan, roll her eyes, or even say the meanest thing that came to mind.  Instead, she took a shaky deep breath.  "Yeah," she said quietly before removing the phone from her ear and pressing the red button on the bottom of her screen.

     "What was that all about?" Big Red asked, leaning on the counter with a basket of freshly baked cookies that he needed to pack for the front counter.  Ricky pulled a stool up to the pizza-making counter, also curious as to what had Megara huffy.

     The dark-haired girl waved her hand.  "Uh, my dad wants me to pick up the dresses for the wedding in Colorado this weekend since everyone else is uh... preoccupied with work."

     Ricky pulled apart a cookie, steam rising into the air and filling the space between them with the smell of warm chocolate.  He absentmindedly handed Megara a piece.  "The dresses?"

     Megara nodded, taking the half from Ricky.  "Yup.  I need to get them to Charlene ASAP because they'll need to send them back ASAP if they need alterations," she huffed, sending a piece of the cookie into her mouth.  "Of course, they send me to do all their hard work," she said through a mouth full.

     "Your cousin's name is Charlene?" Big Red asked.

     "Yeah, me and my sisters are named after Disney characters and then my cousins get the luxury of having the normal names and not getting picked on in school," Megara said.

2 | He Could Be The One ── Ricky Bowen ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora