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| Note that this fanfiction is made for entertainment purposes only,and yeah that's all.|

Y/N - your name (no shit Sherlock)

|Narrator pov|

It was a sunny day , birds were chirping , the children outside were playing and laughing and people were just having the best of their life.

Everyone and everything was joyful! Well err.. except one person..

Y/N is a college student who graduated 1 week ago. They didn't have a job at the moment , but they were surviving on the money their parents gave them.

Y/N is a strange one , everyone thought they were weird , but they didn't give a single shit about other people's opinions.

They live in a small apartment that has just enough space for them. Even tho their apartment was dull , gray and so lifeless , they were okay with that as long as they could live there with no problem.

|Y/N pov|

I woke up startled by my alarm , its sound is so annoying I swear-
I wish I could yeet it out my window but if I do then I would probably sleep for an eternity..

I groan as I stretch myself from the good nap I had , and then I lightly chuckle as I remember the dream I had.

"Heh.. nice , I killed Andrew Tate in my dream and then I had a dance party with Shrek. If only any of these events could be true.."

I stare up at my ceiling. It's dark gray color reminded me of a dusty basement. I stared at it for five more minutes but then something interrupted me.

My stomach

"Oh damn , I never knew my stomach could growl so loud"

"You really want some food , don't you?"

My stomach growled again but louder , as if it was agreeing with me
"Heh , well let's head to the kitchen , shall we?"

This time it growled even louder.

I quickly got out of bed and put on some comfy clothes. I went to the bathroom and washed my face.

Then I headed to my kitchen.
"Hmmm , I really wonder , do I have any food left?.."
I opened my fridge just to see a cartoon of milk and..
A dead mouse??? It looks like it hanged itself.
"Well damn , I feel you brother" I said with a "😔" face

I looked in my drawers just to find some cereal.
Frosties , to be specific.
I smile at them , recognizing my beloved on the package.
Antony the tiger

Ever since I was little , I had a huge crush on him.
His dreamy eyes.. His beautiful striped fur..
His cute little nose... And oh god.. His voice-

I looked at him for a bit more time , and then I lightly frown
"Oh.. I really wish I could meet him.. It would be so cool to be friends with him! ..Maybe.. more than friends"

I put down the Frosties on my kitchen counter as a small tear rolls down my cheek.
"Even if we met.. I don't think I would be good enough for him.. There are so many other attractive people that he would like.. I should have never had my hopes up this high."

I take out a small bowl and put in the cereal , and then poured my milk.
"Why the milk so creamy tho"
"Eh anyways"

I take my breakfast and go to the living room to watch some TV to distract myself from my negative thoughts.

I scrolled through every channel , all of them are boring. But one specific channel caught my attention.
"Hm , how about I watch some news? The last time I watched them was when I was like , idk , twelve"

I start eating my cereal while watching the news , but then..

"Hello everyone! You are watching channel 69 aesthetic and amazing news! We are here to tell you that today in Sugoma park will come the one and only... Tony the tiger!! The children's favorite"

I spit out my cereal.

"For everyone who wants to meet him , come to the Sugoma park at 3 AM!! And trust us , that's the best time and nothing bad happens at 3 AM"

I jump from my couch and then start jumping up and down.
I suddenly close my mouth.

"But what will he think of me?.. Will he hate my personality or the way I dress?... Nah , I am hot and I know it , I'll get his heart."

After some moments of excitement , I look back to my couch. It was all stained with the supposed milk and cereal.

"Urgh... I guess I gotta clean up first then I'll start developing my strategy.."


| A/N : Will Y/N be able to make Tony fall in love with them? Wait for the next chapter... |

| Nah but fr y'all gotta wait a bit since uhhh it might take me time to write the second chapter and yeah. Anyway , love you all <3 /p |

Word count: 842 words

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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