Grandpa just nodded to me, and gazed at Kay, and then did the same. He then started doing it, and his mastery over it was over what we could even think.

Even though he didn't had an mana pool, he managed to pick the mana from outside of his body just like we were from our insides, and like breathing, he created an copy of himself, two to be exact.

"Kill them, and when you do, your training will be complete." He said, and vanished.

Kay just stared at me, and I stared at him, but our confusion soon went away, when the two dragons rushed towards us, and almost chopped one of our limbs off.

I tried to get mana like Galenor did, but the copies were too fast, so I couldn't even think about something.

Time seemed to go faster and faster everytime I tried to use my mana, everything was becoming faster. And I was getting the hand of using mana while under pressure.

The mana was starting to become more agitated as I was using it, and when I did the first move to try to attack the dragon, he dissapeared.

"What?" Kay asked, and so did why. The fight suddenly stopped, and then, Galenor appeared again.

"A thousand years have passed inside of here. And a day has passed to me, yet you didn't even notice the flow of time?" He asked, and I just gazed at him, with my mouth open.

Apparently, we have been fighting agaisnt these copies for 1000 years already, and we didn't even touched it.

So, this is the equivalent of a training arc in those animes? How this was so fast but... So slow at the same time.

"We will be doing this for the rest of our time then?" Kay asked, and Galenor just nodded.

"Isn't it a bit too... Shallow?" I asked, and he just laughed.

"Yuki, if you tried to kil Kay from a day ago with these new powers you have, you would've obliterated him." He said, and I just gazed at him confused.

"You don't just create spells from nothing, everything you do on a battle is to use mana to your advantage, the spells you will use only depends on your creativity." He said. "I can teach you one or two, but if you create one, you'll have the best outcome while using that spell."

"So... We only need to trust on ourselfs and kill the copies?" Kay asked, and Galenor just nodded.

Yeah... This will take a while.

Six months later (179.000 years later for Yuki)

We spent the next six months of our life fighting against the copy of my grandpa, and although it seemed to pass in an instant, I felt my strenght grow more an more everytime I landed a hit on the dragon's body.

My control over Ice and Lightning were better than I could ever imagine, I was teleporting myself and my attacks with my ice element, and using my lightning one to really attack my enemy.

I've come up with a few spells to use against astrus, and one of them is an last resort, since it can get me killed in the process.

Kay managed to finish the copy of my grandpa earlier, but I spent every second of the time I had to get stronger. I think I'm ready to save Nexy, my body even became the same size as grandpa, although this is just my soul, I'm still a child in the real world.

Speaking of Kay, he tried to use his human form once, but Galenor picked him up and transformed him into a dragon, like, literally. He couldn't transform himself on a human again, he was permanently a dragon.

So, this will be my final attack on the copy of my grandfather, an lightning strike that will burn every part of the dragon body he is using.

I then gathered mana from my mana pool and formed a lighting strike on my hand, and lauched it on his direction, but he managed to not get hit, but that was the plan all along.

He rushed towards me, aiming on my neck, but I switched places with the attack I just threw, and instead of hitting me, he hit the lightning bolt, vaporizing instantly, and the dome that kept us inside broke, revealing Kay and Galenor, waiting for me.

"I'm ready." I said, and started walking towards them.

"Let's go then, I will get you to the entrance of the Angel Realm." Galenor said, and jumped on the air, I quickly followed with Kay by my side.

We were flying towards the sky, but suddenly, it stopped, like we were trapped inside a box. Grandpa started to punch it, breaking the... Sky.

I did the same thing along with Kay, and when the sky broke, an path towards an golden gate appeared, and on the gate was writren:

'Land of God Astrus'


Chapter for you guys, I hope this timeskip wasn't so forced.

Thanks for reading the chapter and... Yeah, I don't have much to say.

The story is near its end.

And I want to make something after the end, an bonus chapter with the prototypes of some chapters and what would happen on certain moments. Would you guys like that?

That Lightning Strike - A Dragon Isekaiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें