Chapter 12

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"Would you like some more kimchi, Jimin?" Ben asked, trying to be a good host.

"No, thank you, Ben. I'm stuffed."

Ben ordered Korean takeout for their dinner together. It was very considerate, considering Ben hadn't tried it before. Neither had Tabitha. It was delicious.

"So, how is the house hunt going, Mom?"

"We've only checked one place out, and it was a no-go. There are a few potential listings that still look promising, though."

"Good. I hope you can find something that fits your new lifestyle."

"So do I."

Tabitha meant it, but something on the back burner of her mind kept bothering her. She wondered if she should bother with getting a new place. Sure, she wanted less home. It wasn't that. It was the question of whether or not she should bother getting a new home if things worked out with Jimin.

"I just acquired a new listing that I think might be perfect for you," Jimin chimed in.

"Oh, really? Let's add that to our list, then."

"I also rescheduled those other viewings for tomorrow night if that will work for you."

"Yeah, that should be fine. Thank you," Tabitha smiled.

Despite the conversation, the air was still thick with tension. Ben finally spoke up.

"Jimin, I-I invited you over tonight because I have something important to say. As you know by now, I am very protective of my mother." Ben glanced over at Tabitha, and she smiled. "Sometimes that means I can be overprotective. I realize now that I may have been overzealous in my criticism of your relationship with my mom. Surely, you can understand. After what my father put her through, just about any man is unworthy of her in my eyes. You are her first love interest since my dad left her. That, along with the difference in your ages, made me very wary of you. I apologize for being a jerk to you."

Jimin smiled at Ben. "Apology accepted. It's only natural that you want to protect your mom at all costs, and I admire you for it."

Ben smiled and nodded. "I need you to understand that I still have doubts about you. If it were my sister you were dating, it would be different. You two are five years apart."

"Actually, it's more like six years. Jimin's birthday is in a few weeks," Tabitha clarified.

"Regardless, six years is a lot closer than twenty-four."

"Twenty-three and a half," Tabitha teased.

"Mom, will you let me finish?" Ben groaned.

"Sorry. Go ahead, Ben," she smirked.

"As I was saying, I still have my doubts. But I will try to keep them to myself from now on unless I feel it is necessary to voice them."

"Thank you, Ben. I appreciate it. I'm sure it can't be easy for you. Your love for your mom is evident. I hope I never give you a reason to voice your doubts, but if I do, I'm counting on you to hold me accountable."

Ben was stunned. Did Jimin just give him permission to chew him out?

"Does anybody want some dessert? I baked a pineapple upside-down cake."

"Absolutely, Mom!"

"I'll give it a try," Jimin commented.

Tabitha cut up the cake, placed slices on plates, and handed them to Ben and Jimin.

"Aren't you going to have any, Tabitha?" Jimin asked.

"No. I'm good. I taste-tested a sample of it earlier today to make sure it was safe to eat," she smiled.

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