Withered Rose

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Riddle x Trey

Riddle thought that everything was ok now, everything should've been ok now. He did have to admit that his overblot was never anything he'd expect, but everyone should've been back to normal

But they weren't.

As the head of Heartslabyul, it was Riddle's job to make sure that everything ran according to the rules. That's what he had done, and he was fantastic at it. But no one was happy. Did it matter? He was raised to think that rules were what mattered most, but Trappola had given him something to think about

He had overblotted just two days ago, but he could never sleep well anymore. The darkness of his room just reminded him of the inky black depths of his fatal state, a dark abyss that he couldn't swim out of no matter how hard he kicked

Riddle had been thinking a lot lately. Not the normal smarts type of thinking, but taking a deep dive within himself to figure things out. He was alone more often these days. Even Trey was suspiciously giving him more space

I thought we came to terms with each other, I thought everything was orderly. Why has everyone left me...? Mother couldn't have been right about this...could she?

Tonight, Riddle was left in his quiet and dark room, looking out his window and into the gardens below. Is this how it's going to be from now on? Everyone more frightened of him to approach? He wasn't a monster, he wasn't! He was pulled out of these thoughts by the smell of a familiar strawberry fragrance. Trey was midnight baking again

Riddle quietly left his room to find the only superb baker in the dorm in the kitchen, whipping up a tart

"Good evening Trey" Clover had seemed startled at his housewarden's presence; he flinched, went wide eyed, and kind of ignored him

"Hi Riddle. What are you doing up so late?" The tone of the conversation was awkward. The couple hadn't really talked after Riddle's...fiasco

"I couldn't sleep. I smelled something good though, so I made my way towards the origin of the scent" Trey forced a sheepish and small smile at that statement, which made the redhead uneasy. Riddle wasn't the best in these social situations though, so he let the silence go on for what felt like hours

"We need to talk" both the men said at the same time. Riddle was allowed the privilege of speaking first

"Trey, is something wrong? These past few days you've been ignoring me, like I never existed in the first place. Please, if there's something I can do to mend our relationship I'll do it!" Trey was silent, looking at Riddle in pensive thought as he formulated his answer. It made the short housewarden tense up, anticipating his lover's answer

"I'm sorry, but I can't do this relationship anymore" That struck him right in the heart to hear from Trey. How could he say that? They'd spent almost a year together, all of that time and effort thrown away because of what?

"You haven't talked to me, that's what hurts. When we got together, both of us promised to be open, no matter how much it hurt. But you overblotted, and that proves you've been hiding things from me. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're ok, I just don't think it's fair to either of us to stay together when it's not working" Riddle just stared, disbelieving what he was hearing. He thought Trey called his name a few times, but ultimately, Riddle left without a word

The kitchen was no longer welcoming. The darkness of Riddle's room was blurry in his vision, so he wiped the tears away. That night, the Rose Red Tyrant withered into nothing but a weeping flower

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