The game

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Before starting the story, if you see writing like this. It means that its some rules of the game. Enjoy!

The time murder. There is one murder and one sherif. The rest are innocents. The sherif needs to find out who is the murder. He have a nerf gun but only one bullet. If he misses his shot, he becomes innocent but if he shoots the wrong person... He dies. The murder has a knife... made of paper. To win he needs to "kill" everyone by touching them with the knife. All the innocent players have a whistle that they can use only one time if they are in danger or kidnapped. The murder can kidnap only one person. He usaly uses it on the sherif so he can't help the others.

Denise is passing the cards saying the roles. "Everyone go to a different place of the bunker" She said. Rufus got sherif so he needs to stay alert. Some time passed and Wyatt was alone. But then he felt something at his chest. He got killed. Wyatt turns his head to see who the murder is. "Oh you peace of-" "Don't talk you are supposed to be dead." Wyatt layed down on the floor looking at the murder running away.

Lucy wasn't looking where she was going. She was just looking behide her making sure no one was following her. She passed in front of Flynn's room and the door was open. She didn't payed attention to it. But then she felt a large arm around her waist and a hand on her mouth pulling her into Flynn's room.

She was trapped. It was him. Flynn was holding the knife while looking at her. "Flynn please I beg you don't kill me." "Oh but I am not killing you!" "Huh?" "I am kidnapping you." I smile appeard on Lucy's face. 'Haha big mistake." Lucy tooked out her whistle. She was getting ready to use it but then Flynn stopped her hand. He stepped closer. Lucy stepped back but her back hit the wall. Flynn said "Big mistake, are you sure?" Flynn put a soft kiss on Lucy's lips. She was really suprised... but kissed him back. While he was kissing her Flynn was taking Lucy's whistle from her hand. She felt it but didn't care, she was just tinking about the kiss.

Flynn pulled away. Too soon for Lucy. He put a finger on Lucy's mouth and said "Don't make any sound and stay here im gonna come back when I win." Lucy made a yes with her head. Flynn smiled and kissed her one last time before leaving. Lucy did exactly what he said. Her brain needed time to understand what just happenend.

Ahh I love this so much 🤩 Don't worry im not finished with Garcy stories.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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