"See, that's a mistake you're not gonna make again. While you're here, on set or in front of fans, it's not Vil—it's Mister Schoenheit and Mister Schoenheit only. Do you understand?"


"I'll let it pass this one time because clearly you've never had a job like this, but for future reference please try to be more professional. I don't need everyone to think I'm dating someone like you," he says, eyeing you and your attire.

You'd let the incident go without trying to make a deal out of it, but you couldn't help how much it had stung to hear those words come out of his mouth. You'd admired him, after all, which was the only reason you had volunteered in the first place—you were only getting paid in service hours, and almost everyone else had made snide remarks about your presence or had outright ignored you.

Worst of all, though, was how Vil acted like he hadn't just crushed your self-esteem in the following months.

He'd continued on with his normal routine, having you run across the set countless times and had made you sit down with him each time he needed to ready himself for another scene so that you'd "lean from his skills", as he'd put it.

You had become less on edge than before and basically tuned Vil out each time he'd start preaching. He'd insist that you follow him on his days off and even took you and his coworkers out a few times, reciting prose to them while you sat at the back of the booth, wishing it was you instead.

Over time, you came to the conclusion that Vil was just that charming to everyone he knows. It became habitual for you to listen to him comment of the beauty of his coworkers to the point. of not being able to find a single distinction between him and Rook, so when the time came for him to take a closer look at you and start pointing out your features it just became background noise to you.

Things had come to a head after Vil's overblot.

You were there when he'd tried to poison Neige. The pit that opened up in your stomach when you'd realized what he'd tried to do was indescribable; this wasn't the Vil you knew.

You hated thinking about anything past that. It was painful to see the man you had once looked up to break down in such a horrid way, but you'd let him sort things out himself once he'd woken up.

Once again, you stayed to the sidelines, merely observing and fetching and going back and forth whenever Vil called you to.

You barely noticed when Vil started paying more attention to you than normal.

"Oh, you're so lucky," gushes one of his coworkers, a woman with long red hair and round hazel eyes who's had a few one-on-one scenes with Vil, "he loves having you around!"

"I'm just a volunteer," you say, and you fully believe it too. "And we go to the same school, so it'd make sense that he hangs around me a bit more. We've worked together on coursework and he's seen the inside of my dorm more times that I can count, so it's nothing out of the norm."

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