Chapter 1

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9:30 PM

(Y/n) POV

I was getting ready for the coronation of the Princess Poppy. Aka my big sister. My sister gets all the love. All the love from the kingdom, all the love from my father all the love from everybody. You probably didn't think that troll village would forget about one of there Princesses but you'd be wrong. Every friend I make, Every troll I interact with only sticks around for Poppy. I could name some trolls, The twins, Guy diamond, and even biggie has gotten taken away by my kinder sister. Even this one guy, I thought he would stick around. I was stupid to believe he would stick around. Branch. He didn't even like Poppy in the first place. But of course Poppy has her ways. She has this charm I don't have. More charm that I could never pull off. I sound selfish right now like everybody else thinks. I would try to go tell about this they think I was just a spoiled little kid. My sister the sweetheart loved and me, the little brat. Every where I go, Poppy this and Poppy that. But I'm used To it now. My father would say, You just have to learn to be grateful.

Now I was just about finished when someone knocked on my door. "Who is it" I said walking to the door. "It's me, Poppy" I was a little surprised it was Poppy. wasn't she supposed to be. "Oh, Poppy.... Great, why aren't you at coronation right now" I said in a awkward tone. "I know I know" she said "What do you want now". I said in a annoyed tone."Whaaat". She said in a fake surprise tone " I can't believe you're assuming that". "But now that you mentioned it". "I need something of yours". "Spit it out" I said on annoyance. "Well I..." she said still taking her time. "WHAT IS IT!?!" I yelled getting fed up with her., "Ineedthegiftbranchgaveyou" She said nervously. I almost fell out of my chair. "WHAT?!?" I yelled in anger "You could say no if you want to". "No A thousand times No" I said to her in anger. "Please Y/n, you don't even wear it anymore". "I have it on right now" I said showing her my bracelet. "Y/n give it to me" She said in a demanding voice. "Go get your own" I said getting annoyed. Then she did something I didn't expect. "Give me the bracelet!!!" "NO"!! She was trying to take it off of me. "GIVE IT TO ME!!" Poppy said with an angry look on her face. We both had a grip on it until *Snap*. It broke. We both looked at the bracelet in silence. "Get out". "Y/n I'm sorr-" "GET OUT" with that she left out. Leaving me there with a broken bracelet and broken heart.

Time skip

Once again I was standing on the sidelines while everyone is cheering for the kind, sweet and now Queen Poppy with branch beside her. I didn't even want to be here. It was the most humiliating day of my life. Knowing I would never be anything more than a Princess. Stuck in my sister's shadow. I started running into the woods to get away from everyone. Once I was in the woods making sure nobody was there making sure no one was there to hear my voice. I started to sing my heart out.

I'm Jealous of the rain

That falls upon your skin

It's closer than my hands have been

I'm Jealous of the rain

I'm Jealous of the wind

That ripples through your clothes

It's closer than your shadow

Oh, I'm Jealous of the wind

I wished you the best of

All this world could give

And I told you when you left me

There's nothing to forgive

But I always thought you'd come back

Tell me all you found was

Heart break and misery

It's hard for me to say

I'm Jealous of the way

You're happy without me

I'm Jealous of the nights

That I don't spend with you

I'm wondering who you lay next to

Oh, I'm Jealous of the nights

I'm Jealous of the love

Love that wasn't here

Gone for someone else to share

Oh, I'm Jealous of the love, Cause

I wished you the best of

All of This world could give

And I told you when you left me

There's Nothing to forgive

But I always thought you'd come back

Tell me all you found was

Heartbreak and misery

It's hard for me to say

I'm Jealous of the way

You're happy without me

As I sink in the sand

Watch you slip through my hands

Oh, As I die here another day

Cause all I do is cry behind this smile

I wished you the best of

All of This world could give

And I told you when you left me

There's nothing to forgive

But I always thought you'd come back

Tell me all you found was

Heartbreak and misery

It's hard for me to say

I'm Jealous of the way

You're happy without me.....

It's hard for me to say

I'm Jealous of the way

You're happy without me

When I finished singing, I cried. I cried until I heard someone clapping.

"Good singing Princess"

Then it all went Black

A/n: If you're reading this that means you either wanna stick around despite the description or You just want a good laugh so I guess stick around? I don't know It's your choice

Forgotten SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora