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Mirabel turns to Alma who carries a pot of flowers
"What are you doing?", Alma asks.
"Uh, they were just asking about the family and ..."
"She was about to tell us about her super awesome gift!", the girl with dark brown hair yells excited.
"Oh, Mirabel didn't get one.", Dolores answers then squeaks.
All the children turn to Mirabel.
"You didn't get a gift?", a girl with a sunhat asks.
"Mirabel! Delivery!"
The merchant Osvaldo walks up to her with a basket full of decorations.
"I gave you the "special" since you're the only Madrigal kid with no gift.", he hands her the basket, "I call it the "not special special" since, uh, you have no gift."
"Thanks.", Mirabel fake smiles.
"Oh, and tell Antonio good luck. The last gift ceremony was a bummer. Last one being yours that did not work."

Suddenly ice appears around Osvaldo's mouth making him shut up.
Mirabel and the children look at the house to see a 15-old-girl with a white blouse and black skirt leaning against the door.
"She gets it now scram!"
The girl narrows her eyes at Osvaldo making him climb his donkey and ride away scared.
"Who's she?", the sunhat girl asks.
"That is my best friend (Y/N). She got accepted ten years ago in our family."
"Does she has a gift?"
"Yes, she has the gift of elements. But since that day of our ceremony, all the villagers hate her because they think she stole my gift. Since that day, everyone calls her..."
"The "gift stealer"." (Y/N) finishes.

It is true. Since (Y/N) got her gift, everyone in the village insults her for stealing the gift from Mirabel. Even Alma thinks it too and doesn't see her as a Madrigal anymore. Then (Y/N)'s life changes drastically. Alma has forbidden her to use her powers to help the village. She just uses them for indoor chores. Not only that, she has become very unfriendly to Alma and the villagers. She's only a little friendly towards the other Madrigals.

"If I was one of you, I'd be really sad.", the sunhat girl confesses.
"Well, my little friend, I am not. Because the truth is, gift or no gift, (Y/N) and I are just as special as the rest of our family.
They all watched how the Madrigal uses the powers.
"Maybe your gift is being in denial.", the sunhat girl wonders.

Mirabel and (Y/N) walk into the house, the villagers helping with the preparations for Antonio's ceremony. Casita creates stairs that would lead up to Antonio's door. (Y/N) looks up seeing Camilo leaning against the railing how he watches the villagers.

"Camilo, we need another José!", Alma says.
"José!", he shapeshifts into José helping the original put up the banner with Antonio's name.
(Y/N) smiles but it turns into a frown remembering how she said something to Camilo that hurt him.

6-year-old (Y/N) is playing catch with Camilo. She is chasing him till she sees Alma at the balcony. Alma walks away with disapprouving look. Camilo realises that (Y/N) isn't chasing him anymore.
"(Y/N), are you okay?"
"Camilo, I think it's better that we don't play anymore together."
"What do you mean?"
"It's better this way."
(Y/N) runs up to her room in tears, leaving Camilo also in tears.

Because of that memory, a tear falls down (Y/N)'s cheek which she wipes away.
"Luisa, the piano goes upstairs!", Alma says.
Luis lets the barrels roll and runs towards the piano, almost bumping into Mirabel and (Y/N).
"I'm on it! Careful, sis!"
Mirabel struggles to hold the basket until the weather changes from sunny to windy. A tornado twirls in the courtyard because of Pepa.
"My baby's night has to be perfect, and it's not perfect. And people are going to be coming. And nothing's ready.", she gabbles.
"You're tornado-ing the flowers! The flowers!", Félix mentions trying to calm her.
"Did someone say flowers?", Isabella comes out of her room.
She creates vines who elegantly brought her down as she fixes the flowers. The villagers cheer for her while Mirabel and (Y/N) look at her deadpanned.
"Our angel, our angel!", Félix praises.
"Please, don't clap.", Isabella hands a bouquet of flowers to Pepa.
"Thank you."
"Oh, it's nothing.", she flips her hair in Mirabel's face.

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