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Y/N and Mark arrive at the scene of the party and Johnny walks over to join them. "Hey glad to see you!" Johnny puts an arm around Mark's shoulders.

"You too." Mark replies to Johnny before the three all walk in to the half standing frat house that the party is being thrown in.

Y/N immediately walks ahead of the two guys and approaches the makeshift bar, ordering a drink before the two friends can even catch up. They then start drinking the drink as the two approach.

"Y/N, don't get too drunk, you have class tomorrow." Mark said, concerned for them.

"I know, I know." Y/N replied, trying to hide the dissapoint in their voice.

As the party went on, Y/N had some more drinks, the trio hung out together, and then Mark suddenly got up. "Hey uh, I gotta go now, science club stuff..." He didn't wait for a response before jogging away and out of the party.

Y/N let out a sigh as a single tear slipped from their eye. Johnny's expression then switched to concern. "What's wrong Y/N?"

"I uh..." They let out another sigh, trying to figure out the best way to word this explanation. "I wanted tonight to finally be the night I confess to him."

"Can't you still do that another time?" Johnny asked in response.

"No... I intentionally drank more than usual hoping it would give me the courage to do so." Y/N replied back as they sighed once again before downing the rest of the cup they had. "I guess it was just never meant to b-"

Before Y/N could finish that last word, a loud crash was heard from the remaining part of the upper floor of the house. Then screams rang out as people who were upstairs came running down, causing everyone on the ground floor to also go evacuate. After Johnny and Y/N made it outside they turned and looked to see a creature that resembled that of a deranged oversized hawk, but human sized. Before they could react though, the panicked crowd ran through them and Johnny got dragged off from Y/N, their yells to each other being drowned out by all the other sound.

Y/N looked back again to find the creature focused right on them. They let out a scream as they turned to run but the creature flew at them and grabbed their arm. Another scream, this one clearly pained, came out of Y/N before the creature was suddenly knocked off them and next thing they knew, someone had grabbed them and they were flying through the air.

Once Y/N was set down in an alley, they looked up to see the one and only, Spider-Man, or at least, they thought they did. The alcohol was making Y/N question their judgement though. Until he spoke.

"Hey are you okay?" The masked man asked Y/N as they looked down at their arm to see the damage done.

"I don't think so..." They said, seeing that the creature's talons had ripped through their arm and the alcohol was making their blood loss happen faster.

"Uh... Hold on." Spider-Man said, taking Y/N's arm to examine it before making them a bandage out of web. "This should help for now, but I'd suggest proper treatment when you get the chance.

"Thank you!" Y/N said, wide eyed as they were still taking in what was happening to them.

"No problem." The man said. "But I need to go take care of that, wait for me here okay? I'll check back up on you again after."

"Alright." Y/N replied, still clearly shaken up, as Spider-Man swung back off to deal with that. They then pulled out their phone and texted Johnny to come to where they're at.

When Johnny arrived he ran over to Y/N and started examining them up and down. Then he came across the spiderweb bandage. "What the-?"

"Spider-Man saved me!" Y/N replied excitedly. "He did this to cover up the wound and stop the bleeding. Cool isn't it?"

"There is no way you saw Spider-Man." Johnny said in disbelief.

"Why do you say that?" A sudden voice said, startling Johnny, who turned around to see where it came from, and against his expectations, it was the masked hero everyone in the city loves.

"WOAH! IT REALLY IS HIM!" Johnny exclaimed in shock and excitement.

"Told you!" Y/N says, trying to move their arm to punch the air, but the wound reminding them they can't. "Ow."

Y/N looked down at their arm to see the blood now seeping through the web. "Damn blood thinning drinks."

"You shouldn't have drank that much Y/N." Johnny sighed, before removing his jacket and tearing a sleeve off to tie around their arm.

"I really shouldn't have." Y/N sighed and leaned back against the brink wall of the building behind them. "It ended up being worthless anyway since he didn't stay."

"I hate to be nosey but, what do you mean?" The masked webslinger suddenly spoke up.

Y/N opened their mouth to tell him not to worry about that but then Johnny interrupted. "They wanted to confess their crush on their friend Mark to him, but he left the party we were at early. Then Y/N went from drinking for confidence to drinking for sorrow."

"JOHNNY! THAT WAS PERSONAL!" Y/N exclaimed as they raised their good arm this time to slap him.

The man in the mask let out a nervous laugh. "Well, I will leave you two alone then before he exposes any more of your secrets now. I've got to go look over the city!" He then shot out a web and swung away, leaving the two friends alone to make their way back to their respective living quarters.

Spider-Mark: Love Lost Mark Lee x gn!readerWhere stories live. Discover now