Chapter 64 - Harmony Interrupted

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It was quite a change from the day before when they had explored the nature around the town together with Vision. The synthezoid seemed to enjoy the change of scenery, and apparently, Tony and Pepper had gotten engaged as well, which was great news.

All they were missing now was a baby.

And Peter had apparently taken down his own villain, Vulture, which was really impressive considering that he was still a teenager with a curfew.

Vision had chosen not to stay with the two of them, and had instead returned back to the States this morning, although he had talked about taking a detour to enjoy the scenic route back home.

Keira, who had suffered through the same nightmare, only from her own perspective, was rubbing her chest uncomfortably. But she didn't want to worry Wanda with the fact that they had lived through the same dream so instead, she walked over to the window to pull the curtains apart.

Thunder could be heard in the distance and raindrops were racing against each other down the glass. The sun from earlier was nowhere to be seen behind the heavy clouds. While many others frowned upon the rain, she had always loved it, ever since she was a kid.

The world needed water to survive and the rain quenched the thirst of the ground below before it returned to the skies above.

A sudden jolt of pain surged through her head, causing her face to scrunch up. She turned away from the window, biting down on her lip to smother any sound that threatened to escape her, and silently hoped that Wanda hadn't noticed.

The last thing she wanted was to worry her fiancée. Of course, she wasn't that lucky.

"Ria? Is it your head again?" Wanda looked up from her cup of tea, her voice laced with concern as she looked over at the mutant.

For a moment, Keira considered playing it off but she wasn't a fan of lying so she decided on the truth. "Yes. I still can't decipher what it truly means." She flinched as Wanda's hands landed on her hips, not having heard her get up as she was gently turned around.

"Hey, it's okay."

Wanda slowly raised her hands to Keira's face, tucking away some blonde strands behind the mutant's ear before cupping her cheeks. Worry shone in her emerald eyes as she gazed up at her fiancée.

Keira kissed Wanda's palm, touched by her concern before taking her hand and lifting it up to her forehead, where the pain was still pulsating. "Tell me what you feel." She slightly pleaded as she closed her eyes.

Wanda didn't think her heart could bear to hear the broken vulnerability in the mutant's voice and the red mist seeped from her fingers and grazed Keira's forehead. "I just feel you." She whispered, meeting the storm-grey eyes she had grown to love so deeply when Keira slowly opened her eyes.

Gently cupping Wanda's cheeks, Keira couldn't help but smile.

She might not have gotten an answer to what her headaches meant, but who cared about that when she had the most amazing fiancée by her side? Pressing their lips together in a tender kiss, Keira's hands traveled down to Wanda's hips to pull her closer. "Thank you." She mumbled, her lips still ghosting Wanda's.

Wanda smiled against Keira's lips and she let her hands tangle in the blonde mess of hair. "Anytime, my soon-to-be wife."

"Care to take a walk in the moonlight, my love?" Keira suggested with a gleam in her eyes, slowly swaying as if dancing to music that was inaudible to anybody else. "Think the fresh air might be a good thing for this tense head." She joked weakly before leaning down to press a kiss to Wanda's neck.

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