This was the first time Seri had called him by his name. Jeong Hyeok's heart skipped a beat. She was so close to him, and a bit too close, maybe...

Seri looked up into his eyes, her face inches away from his. She chuckled lazily, "I've only met you today and I've already spilled all my secrets."

She leaned in closer; Jeong Hyeok was almost positive she was leaning in to kiss him.

"Don't tell anyone this but... If the partnership is successful, I'll mail you a lifetime supply of my products." She whispered in his ear, chuckling, her hot breath making Jeong Hyeok blush involuntarily.

She leaned back, sitting up straight on the stool again, as if the close contact had never happened.

"If the partnership is successful, maybe you should come to London again. I'll wait for you." Jeong Hyeok whispered

"I'd love that." Seri mumbled, eyes closing fully.


The sunshine was blinding. Didn't she pull the curtains in last night?

Seri groaned, pulling herself up. She looked around, racking her brains as to what happened last night.

She checked herself. She still had clothes on, so it wasn't that bad. But the curtains weren't pulled in. That  was something suspicious; she did that every night, no matter where she is.

Oh my god. She gasped.

She bumped Ri Jeong Hyeok in a bar. They chatted. But what did we talk about? Seri thought, screaming in frustration. She got drowsy. They took the lift back to their floor. Ri Jeong Hyeok asked for her room number. She told him. He helped her get into bed. He left.

Okay, I can handle this. We didn't get touchy, right? It's not that bad, she tried to reassure herself. It was just a normal, friend-to-friend talk. Nothing happened.

She tried to shove her thoughts away and prepare for her day. Taking off the clothes from yesterday, Seri put on a new set of underwear, a simple white long-sleeved shirt and shorts. Stepping into the bathroom, the reflection in the mirror was terrifying. Her makeup was smudged, with the mascara trailing down from the corners of her eyes. The lipstick on her lips were out of line, and her hair looked like she got in a wrestle fight. She shook her head, disapproving, and washed it all away with her Seri's Choice Skin Toner. She wiped her face clean with a towel, and within five minutes, Seri was glowing again. She smiled, satisfied with her look, and turned on her laptop.

There was no emails, but there was a text on her phone from Secretary Kim. She clicked on it and read the message.

"Just confirmed meeting with Swarovski CEO. Day after landing 9:00am."

Seri sighed. Whoever this CEO was, she better come up with a very good reason about backing out from the partnership.


The alarm went off. A string of piano music played from his phone. Jeong Hyeok grunted and turned it off, slumping back onto the bed. He rubbed his eyes, trying to rub away the sleepiness and fatigue. Looking at the clock, he realizes that he's almost late for an orchestra rehearsal. Getting up quickly, he cleans himself and changes into decent clothes, grabs an apple and ran for the door.

Just when he was about to press the button for the lift, he turned back to the corridor. Should I invite her? He pondered, nervous. What if she doesn't like watching me practice? He was in front of her door before he could stop himself. His finger was itching to press the bell beside the door.

Jeong Hyeok took a deep breath and pressed the button. Ding.

Silence. Jeong Hyeok decided that maybe she was still sleeping. Maybe she was busy working. He turned away and was about to sprint to the lift when-

"Who's there?"

The door opened.

Seri poked her head out and gasped. Clearly avoiding him was harder than she had imagined.

"Oh. Hi. You look... really good." Seri stammered, eyeing Jeong Hyeok in his white shirt and black pants.

He chuckled, showing his deep dimples. Seri hitched a breath.

"I'm going to orchestra practice. I was just wondering... if you're interested in watching me play the piano."

Seri bit the inside of her cheek. This was probably the most romantic thing anyone has ever asked her. "I'd love to come." A full bloom appeared on her cheeks.

Jeong Hyeok smiled, blushing. Scratching the back of his neck, he motioned for her to close the door. "You can get changed. I'll wait for you by the lift."



author's note: faq: when are they gonna kiss? i don't know🤨

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