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Hello, we meet again!

This oneshot is once again written by _MiracleOcean_

Please go follow them if you havent already (and if you want to of course) because their writing is just... mwah, chefs kiss!

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Light coloured wisps of clouds twirled together, covering the sky with a veil of gloom. Their presence cast frowns and smiles upon various faces, except for one.

The Vigilant Yaksha stood atop Jueyun Karst. Moments of peace scarce, treated like luxury that they are. Though delicate, they are never enjoyed.

The tranquility of familiarity was a thing Xiao never understood, only felt as he watched the undisturbed water beneath him.

Staring at the amber full of flame, he also found the amber of unfulfilled desires staring back.

He thought back on his wish to extinguish it. Watch as the burning fire slowly died out, releasing him from the clutches of unbearable guilt and regret threatening to tear him apart.

As gentle droplets of water fell on him, softly yet harshly pulling him back to reality, he turned his head towards the sky.

As water dripped onto his face, he was reminded that the flame will burn forever more. Never to be extinguished, only fueled as he plunges his spear through yet another threat.

The wind became stronger, grounding Xiao and giving a cold embrace. The strenght behind it offered comfort and safety, and Xiao gladly indulged.

"I knew you would be here! What are you doing just sulking around?" Xiao couldn't help a faint smile that appeared on his face, though he wiped it quickly.

"Hello, Venti." Xiao stood up, turning around to look at him. Venti subconsciously ran a hand over the strings of his lyre as his smile grew wider.

"I was looking for you! Come on, I want to show you something!" Without waiting for a reply, Venti turned around and started running, signaling with his hand that Xiao should follow him.

With a heavy sigh and a shake of the head, Xiao ran after him, catching up with ease. Venti began giggling as he lead Xiao away from Liyue and towards Mondstadt, not slowing down at all.

"Venti! I can't leave Liyue. I must stay and protect the city in case something happens." Although the protests, Xiao made no effort to stop or slow down.

"I am sure it's going to be fine. The people of Liyue can defend themselfs and nothing bad will happen if you are gone for a little while." With that remark Venti slightly sped up, refusing to hear Xiao's arguments.

As they both ran along the path going through the border between Liyue and Mondstadt, Xiao allowed himself to relax. Letting the wind mess with his hair and rain massaging his aching body.

Venti's laughter filled the air as he began slowing down, watching Xiao closely as he came to a full stop. Xiao immediately stopping beside him.

"Here it is!" Venti exclaimed cheerfully as he gestured to a field full of Dandelions. Xiao had never seen so many so close to each other before.

The soft blue glow each flower cast created an ethereal feel. A place those amber flames have imagined, and so they have been ignited. A harsh contrast to the calm, yet not unwelcomed.

As the seeds traveled the wind, flying without wings, Xiao remembered the long forgotten memory which was only a dream. So he wondered if he was asleep.

The unfamiliarity of such serenity had him frozen in place, afraid it will all disappear if he dared to treat it as anything other than a piece of fragile glass.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go and play in the rain!" Venti grabbed his arm before Xiao could react and dragged him to the middle of the field.

As Venti ran through the flowers like a child, Xiao stood amidst them, unsure of what to do.

"Don't just stand there, come on!" Venti once again grabbed Xiao, this time however, instead of dragging him around, Venti began to dance forcing Xiao to sloppily follow.

After tripping over each other many times, with Xiao embarrassed and Venti enjoying himself, they fell into a soft and gentle rythm.

The golden rays managed to break through the veil, landing atop the pair dancing. Their spotlight. Their audience.

Venti pulled away from Xiao after quietly whispering for him to keep dancing. He walked a bit farther away, giving him space as he pulled out his flute.

And so Venti began to play the all too familiar melody as Xiao danced. The melody didn't hold the same meaning behind it this time.

It didn't hold desperation, it didn't hold that sadness behind it, it didn't hold the same familiarity it once had.

It was now filled with longing, tranquility and a sense of familiarity which Xiao has never thought would become a reality.

As the bard played his tune, the Vigilant Yaksha let his guard down. Dancing in the sun which seemed to shine only for them and forgetting his burden, be it only for a short while.

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Yeah, i loved this one aswell, it was amazing.

Once again, please go support the writer for this amazing oneshot _MiracleOcean_

anyway, this is getting fucking long, so ill end it here.

[879 words]

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