I look directly into woman's eye, not breaking eye-contact. I held a deadpanned expression, showing the negative emotion I was feeling. She instantly quieted, going back to shopping.

Anyways, the list says I have to buy some bread for Julieta. So, I can just tick off that chore because that's easy.

I enter the bread shop, giving a gentle smile to him. "The usual," I say with a light chuckle, and the teen boy grins, giving me a nod. He's cute.

"So, uh, y/n.." he tried making conversation, "how are you?"

I shrugged. "I'm alright, but I got grounded."

"I know."


"Sorry that sounded creepy!" he apologised repeatedly, "the townsfolk are talking about it non-stop, especially you."

"It's completely fine." I respond, taking the bread from his hand. I place the money in his hand, along with an extra hundred. "No change," I said with a grin before walking out of the store.

15th chore done, I'm actually glad I skipped lunch. I'm not even hungry, just a little oozy, but I can eat after I finish 5 more things. It's just 5 more things, I can survive.

Walking into Casita, I expected lunch to be done, but it wasn't. All eyes were on me, and Camilo whispered something to the table, which made Pepa gasp. She then whispered back, but Dolores butted in, a cloud forming over the ginger woman's head.

"Heyyy," I say awkwardly, walking past the room and into the kitchen. I then put the loafs of bread inside the cupboard, but when I turn around, Carlos is behind me.

I shriek, but then silence myself, seeing the disappointed expression on my face. "Why weren't you at lunch, y/n? You told me a few days ago that you wouldn't skip any meals, everyone was worried sick!"

"I'm sorry I—"

"Just come eat." he says blandly, taking my hand and leading me to the table. Casita then moves the chairs around. A chair appears behind me, knocking me to sit down on it.

I was then dragged by the chair to go sit next to Carlos, who was extremely mad at me. "Eat, y/n." he orders me, and I lift up my fork.

I felt like I was going to cry, but I didn't; and so I swallowed the lump in my throat. I eat the food on my plate - funny how my mood can change so quickly.

Not too long ago I was so happy with how quickly I was finishing my chores, and now I'm upset. It's my own fault, though.

Actually, everything's my fault.

Casita; if I could've just lived up to my expectations. Carlos getting hurt, all because I was so naive. Now I'm in trouble because I chose to skip a meal.


Everyone had already finished lunch, leaving me to sit alone at the table. My eyes were blurry with tears, I couldn't see a thing, but I was still picking at my food and eating it.

Think y/n, what makes you happy?

Never mind actually, just shut up and eat your food.

I tried my best not to blink to much, because if I did, my mascara would run; that would make it too obvious that I was crying.

After 15 minutes, I finished eating. Took you long enough.

I walked into the bathroom to make sure my appearance looked fine. I could barely see, and so I blinked a few times, getting the salty tears out of my eyes. I wiped underneath my eye with my thumb, making sure to not rub my eyelashes.

My eyes had a slight red tint to it, but I'm sure no one will notice.


I finished all my chores, and it was about 3pm, so I have plenty of time to relax until dinner time.

As soon as I stepped foot into Casita, the floor tiles tried dragging me into the kitchen, but I refused. I used crystals to create my own pathway, but Casita shook it, causing it to crack into pieces.

"What is it? For goodness sake!" I exclaimed, beginning to get cross with Casita. I got onto the stairs, and Casita turned it into a slide. I grabbed onto the railings.

But, Casita then removed the railings, causing me to slide down. As I was tumbling onto the floor, I was then dragged into the kitchen. Pepa, Dolores and Carlos.

Oh, and there's Camilo and Antonio peeking through the window; oh hey, there's Felix! If they're spying, it must be something important.

I look back at the 3 in front of me. Needless to say, I am feeling anxious as hell. But I know why they want to talk to me.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"y/n, this isn't about that."

gitchy gitchy ya ya za za

𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐒, Carlos Madrigal - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now