Part One; The reveal

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Overview: Includes Faberry Backround, Rachel Finding out, and a #Cliffhanger. Also theres no Brody/Rachel. Nor did Rachel sleep with Finn at the wedding.
"I slept with Quinn" Santana is in Kurts room, confessing what happened over the weekend. Kurt said Santanas been acting weird, and after grilling her all yesterday and part of today, she grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into her room. Which was a bed with a curtain around it. It wasn't like there was much soundproof. "At Mr. Schues 'wedding'. She said she bought a room and next thing I know I'm... between her thi-"

Kurt cut Santana off, putting a finger to her lips "I really don't want to hear all the gory details, Santana. But Quinn? I always had a feeling she was gay but... Quinn?" Kurt said, pretty confused. Santana thought the same thing, honestly. She would always catch Quinn staring at her boobs, but she just assumed Quinn would always be a 'late in life gay'. "Thats what I said!" She half-yelled, smiling. "She basically ran out the next morning. Said something about 'I can't do this' and 'I'm not like you!' Santana motioned with her hands, bunny signals

Kurt squinted a little, confused "She- She insulted you after an orgasm?" He asked, standing up "Well... As weird as that is, I have shit to do. Like- dishes or whatever" Kurt said, getting up. "Keep it to yourself. Quinn might be... She might be like you, junior year" Santana nodded, understanding exactly what Kurt meant. Santanas news got spread around before she was ready, she couldn't do that to someone else.

Little did they know, Rachel Barbara Berry was listening in from her 'curtain over bed'
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Rachel always knew she was bisexual. She just never had a need to tell others. She hadn't had a love like Santana and Brittanys. She hadn't had a girlfriend before, so she decided not to put it out there. Plus- Rachel grew up with two gay fathers. It would make her just another product of 'gay parents make gay children'. The point of that matter is, ever since Rachel was a little girl, she imagined herself marrying a woman. Other times she imagined herself marrying a man. It was never a big deal to her. It was never something she felt a need to hide. She truly just didn't think it was anyone else's buissness. Until she found herself crushing on one Quinn Fabray.

Rachel wasn't sure when it happened. Sometime over the summer. Quinn and Rachel had gotten really close. Rachel helped Quinn move into her Yale dorm. She found that Quinn had a single dorm instead of one with a roommate. She helped Quinn organize her extensive collection of books, most of them being poetry books and biographys, with a few cheesy romance books thrown in. She framed and hung Quinns albums of photos, which is how she found out Quinn loved photography. Rachel also found out Quinn never stopped smoking after her skank phase, which resulted in a Rachel lecturing her on lung damage, which she laughed her way through. She also found out Quinn hated being touched, but Quinn would only let Rachel touch her. That made Rachels heart sing.

One day when the New Haven weather was nice, Quinn took Rachel down to her favorite café, where they ordered coffee and muffins, and talked for hours. Quinn listened to Rachel talk about NYADA. About the classes she was going to take, about the things she wanted to do in New York, and the things she needed to do in order to have her shit together in New York. After they ate up, Rachel ordered a coffee to go, and they went on a walk around campus. Quinn showed Rachel the library, and the courtyard. She took Rachel to the duck pond, and then they ended up climbing a tree together, which is how Quinn found out Rachels fear of heights. Quinn smiled at her attempting to climb up, and Rachel fell in love, right then.

Later that day, when Quinn folded and put away Rachels makeshift bed on the floor, Rachel asked her if she was suppose to leave. Quinn just smiled, tapping the bed. They slept together that night. Not 'slept together', they slept in the same bed. Which felt more like Rachel watching Quinn sleep. She knew Quinn wasn't gay, which made her feel predatory. The next morning Rachel was gone without a word.

About a week later Rachel received an envelope full of pictures. There was no name, but only one person could've taken them. There was one of Rachel smiling, scooping muffin off her sweater. There was another of Rachel looking into the duck pond. Then another of Rachels beret in a pile of leaves. The one she dropped climbing the tree. When the envelope was empty, she saw the intitals written on the back "L.Q.F". That was the last contact they've had, until tonight
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Rachel saw Kurt walk out of Santanas 'room' and shook her head. How could Quinn do this to her? It's not like Rachel and Quinn were dating, but Santana?! God, does everyone Rachel like sleep with her? Rachel started off to her room, hearing Kurts voice "What has your panties in a bunch?" He asked, clearly interested in her sudden outburst. "Rach?"

Rachel didn't respond, walking into her room and pulling out her NYADA duffle bag. She stuffed about two t-shirts, a pair of jeans, a pair of shoes and socks, and her underwear. She was still in her clothes from today, which was a white floral dress with black knee-high boots. Rachel was furious. She was ready to hop the first trip to New Haven.

She turned around, looking up train tickets to New Haven. Lucky for her, there was one at 11:30 tonight. It was currently 7pm, so she decided to calm down a little bit. Rachel got in the shower, and changed into red pajama pants, with her black "Streisand" hoodie thrown on top. As Rachel walked back into her room, she finished packing her duffel; this time actually attempting to fold the clothes correctly. She put on her sneakers and grabbed her duffel, looking at the pictures Quinn sent her on her way out. They were hanging on her wall, taped to the brick.

Santana was sitting on the couch, flipping through one of Kurts Vogue magazines. Kurt was in bed, but if he even caught her touching it she'd be beyond dead. She saw Rachel walk out in the middle of the night. She turned around, watching the smaller girl lug around q duffle bag. "And where are you goin', young lady?" Santana joked, sleepily. Rachel turned around, looking almost mad. Santana couldn't really tell, she tried not to look at Rachels face much. "None of your buissness, Santana. Oh! And for the love of god, stop sleeping with my crushes!" She yelled, leaving and slamming the door.

Santana was dumbfounded, putting the magazine down. She saw Kurt walk out of his room, clearly having just woken up from the yelling. "What the hell did I miss?"
And Rachel was on her way to New Haven.

jealousy, jealousy | a faberry/quintana story Where stories live. Discover now