Chapter 2: SFIT

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Hey der. It's summer vacay here sooo...I update pretty fast! ;) ;) Here's Chaptah 2 =))

(y/n) (l/n)'s Point of View:

Inhale. Exhale. Breathe in. Breathe out.

I'm finally here. I stood there infront of San Fransokyo Institute of Technology for my major in robotics. I graduated High School at London University at the age of thirteen, graduated a computer and robotics course there as well. Passed my latest project at SFIT and got accepted but...I still have to showcase next week.

After getting a really awesome apartment close by, I jogged to SFIT to list my name for the presentation the coming week.

"Hi. I'm (y/n) (l/n), from London University. I'm here to sign up." As you gave your papers and stuff to the secretary.

"Okay, miss."

On the way out I bumped into a tall, blonde with a joyful personality. She had earphones on and was signing to the beat while rolling two big black balls.

"That's a whole lot of tungsten carbide, you need help?" I say.

"Eight hundred pounds of it! C'mere c'mere c'mere, you're gonna love this!" She gestures me to help.

We carry it into the lab and a bunch of really AWESOME stuff are here! It was like...heaven! We roll her tungsten carbide to her station.

"Phew! That was pretty heavy!" She shouts.

"Hahaha I'm off"

"Wait! Wait! C'mere! Look at this!" As she shows me her latest project.

"Whoa! Awesome work uh.."

"Honey Lemon!" She extended her arms.

"Do you think that temperature change is possible through it?" I ask.

"Yes!! But...I'm struggling with the right formula" she confesses.

"Can I see?" I scan through her notes and write down my total rundown of the possible formula.

"Why didn't I think of that...? YOU ARE SO AWESOME!! SELFIE!" She brings out her phone. I smile with a peace sign.

"Anytime, I need to go now. I'm planning to explore San Fransokyo...I just moved in here" I laugh.

"Great! I can show you around since you help me today!" She offers.

"Omg that will great!!"

On the way out, you bump into Go Go. "I'm so sorry" You bow.

"Stand straight. Woman up." Then pops her bubble.

"Yes!" I reply.

"Hi Go Go! Meet (y/n)! We're gonna explore San Fransokyo today! Wanna join?" Honey says.

"Sure. I'll just fix up."

Honey and I chatted for awhile then, I heard sound from the other side of the room saying "Wohooooo" the sound grows louder meaning the person is going closer.

"Freddie! Meet (y/n) she's gonna apply here and she's super smart!"

"Hi I'm Fred or Freddie. School mascot by day and by night, still school mascot" He replies as he flips through the sign.

"Hi! A pleasure to meet ya!" I extend my hand and he replies with a high-five.

He sits down at his chair as I looked around his things. Dr. Doom I.

"You have DR. DOOM I? I've been searching for this like forever!" I say.


"No way! I have been spending my summer in Akahibara looking for it and you have the whole set!"

Honey and Go Go call my attention and Wasabi decided to tag along because he need to run some errands as well.

"I want to go too! She's like my new best bruh" I laugh at Fred's statement.

"Selfie!" Honey takes a picture of everyone.

And we went out to discover what San Fransokyo has in store for me.



Tadashi Hamada's Point of View:

Message from Honey Lemon

Hi Tadashi! Check this out! #selfie with (y/n) (l/n) and the gang off to explore San Fransokyo! Take care Dashi! Love you! ♥ (A/N: Oh yes they are an item!)

I smile as I reply to her message. Where's Hiro? That knucklehead must have left me. I walk to the Nerd Lab and true to Honey's Message everyone's out. I went to my lab and worked on my project.

"Tadashi, do you have some quad-A Batteries?" Hiro enters.


"Where's everyone?" I chuckle at his question and shows him Honey Lemon's intagram with all her current posts in their adventure.

"Is that...(y/n)?" He asks.

"Yep! Turns out she's a new applicant and she's gonna showcase next week. Honey says she's quite the prodigy"

"Cool" his face crepts into a smile.

"Ohh he likes her!" I tease. And he storms out of the room.

After a few hours, we went back home and saw the gang eating dinner at Lucky Cat Café.

"Hi Hiro, Tadashi!" Honey greets both of us. I kiss her, she blushes heh she's so cute.

"Hiro! Tadashi! You should meet (y/n)! She's the dude!" Fred's gushing about (y/n)? She must be as awesome as described.

"Hey (y/n)"

"H-hello Tadashi! What's up?" She smiles.

"Preparing our final thesis. We're gonna graduate soon."

After our little chat Honey calls me and shows pictures about her day while telling me about (y/n)

"No way! She solved your formula dilemma?" I am amazed. Honey has been stressing about it for weeks.

"Yep! Her invention for the showcase is mind blowing!" She gushes.

I was about to ask her when-- "(y/n), what's your plan for the showcase?" Hiro asks.

"Secret!" She winks.

Hiro Hamda's Point of View:

From Honey's stories to Fred's gushing she's very intresting. She's also really cute. I eye her from head to toe.

Her (h/c) with (f/c) high lights braided, wearing a white blouse and faded blue jeans toped with a cardigan. She wore leather boots and she brought a green bag with her, too. Fred also placed his beanie on her head because he told us she would look like his sister. Yay! Sister!

"Hiro?" She asks.


"Take a picture, it lasts longer" she whispers.

And I swear at that moment I was--

"Hiro's so red!" Wasabi says.


Whaddup? Second Chap, done!! So whadya think? Hate it? Love it? Any requests? Please do tell me =))

And sorry girls, Honey Lemon x Tadashi Hamada shipper right here ♥♥♥

Guys! Everyone except Hiro and you are graduating. You and Hiro still have three more years in SFIT.

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- Hannah

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