Chapter One

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Cold metal against her bare back sent shivers through Y/n's spine. Her soft e/c eyes opened to meet with Riff's electric blue ones. Riff held back a smirk as the girl blushed. She stretched and looked around. She smiled and thought back to last night. Y/n wasn't feeling very well last night, so when Riff came home last night to see her crying in bed, he took her on a walk. And let's just say things got a little out of hand and they ended up in the crane's control box. Riff sat up too, and Y/n crawled into his grasp. It was moments like this that Y/n really enjoyed. Moments where Riff showed his sweet side. No Sharks to bring out his big temper. No Jets to bring out his huge ego. Just him and his girl. But the sounds of snaps and whistles broke their moment.

Y/n and Riff quickly scrambled to collect themselves. Y/n quickly tied her shirt, exposing her midriff, and threw Riff the other shirts she was using. He quickly stepped out and held out a hand to the girl. A-Rab, Ice, Balkan, and Desle all waited for their leader to finish with his lady. Y/n climbed out and went to go walk away. but Riff grabbed her by her waist. He brought her in for a kiss. He broke and his lips traveled up to her ears. "Go, on to the roofs and follow closely behind. When I give you a signal come down and share your news." Y/n nodded and hopped down from the crane. She could practically feel the boy's eyes on her. Ice let out a whistle and that's when Riff yelled "Jet!" As soon as the boy's eyes left her, she ran to the nearest building and climbed the fire escapes. She climbed all the way to the top of the roof. She searched for Riff and quickly made her way in the direction the rest of the jets were traveling.

The roofs of New York were her favorite spot in the morning. Actually, besides Riff, they were the one thing that saved her from going crazy. When her 'moments' got really bad when she first moved to New York but being outside helped. And when she met Riff, he was the biggest help. She was fine for a long time until Tony got shipped off. She still trying to recover. With the combination of Riff and working at the newspaper, she's gotten so much better. As she was running, Y/n realized that they had run right into PR territory. She was terrified. Y/n followed the Jets to a basketball court. There is a painting of the Puerto Rican flag. Riff opened his and splashes his color all over the mural. And that's when the shark's attention was grabbed. And suddenly, the biggest brawl Y/n has ever seen broke out. Y/n's heart started pounding. It traveled to her throat. She thought about going down.

But the sirens broke out, and Y/n breath's finally came back to her. Officer Krupke made his way through the boys. Y/n was too high to hear anything. All she could do is wait and watch Riff closely. Another body emerged from the police cars. Lieutenant Schrank. Y/n never liked him. She thought that he was an excuse for a man. He was a dirty cheap man. The sharks left singing loud and proud. Y/n eyed them as they left. But a set of eyes were in her. She looked over at Riff and he nodded. Y/n quickly made her way down a fire escape but she stopped right before she got to the ground and waited. As the Lieutenant leaves, the boys mumble to themselves. "Who does he think he is?" Little Moly mumbles. Riff walks away from the group and walks to the escape, as shakes. It comes down quickly and Y/n, who was still planted on it, falls right into the arms of the smirking boy. "Hey, Doll."

Y/n's eyes flicker, taking in her boy's beauty. Diesel clears his throat and Riff gently. "Good morning, Gents, I have news. I overheard a city councilman at lunch the other day. There's a dance tonight. The gym. It's an experiment they said. For Jet and Sharks. See if we could get them to 'get along.' They think dance is the answer," Y/n walked over to a rock and stands on top "Doors open at 9:30 pm. Your girls already know and are expecting an invitation from you soon so I would suggest you go get clean." Riff smiles and holds out a hand for Y/n to climb down, as the boys let out cheers of excitement. Riff gives her a small peck and smacks her bottom as she makes her way home. "How do we know we can trust her?" Ice asked. Riff turned to the boys. "She has our eyes and ears of this city. Why would she lead us astray?" "Because ever since Tony's been released, she's been, I don't know, weird. Reserved. She wasn't like that before," Tiger said as Riff cleaned Baby John's ear. "You know how hard it was for her when he got locked up. Anyway, I've been thinking about Tony and how-" As soon as that sentence came out of his mouth the boys exploded. "Tony's done with yeh jets, Riff!" "He ain't done with the Jets. You can not be done with the Jets. Look I will talk to him. As for this rumble-" Riff started walking out of the PR's neighborhood into their own.

"We can't rumble at the gym it will be lousy with cops!" A-Rab called. "Maybe we've had enough trouble with the Puerto Ricans for one day," Mouth complained. "Relax, it's a social mixture so we'll mix, until the time is right, to fix the rumble for tomorrow night," Riff explained "Be there 10 pm, punctual like, dress to kill walk in tall!" "We always walk tall, we're jets!" "The greatest. Now go get your girls, get ready," Riff chuckled as most of them run off. But Mouth stayed. "What happened last night?" he asked "Velma called me crying saying Y/n was gone." Riff sighed and started walking towards Docs. "She was in a moment. I didn't know what else to do, so I took her outside. And we got a little preoccupied," he trailed off with a smirk."That's the second one this week. What's going on?" "I'm gonna tell you because I want you to tell Velma. It's Tony, ever since he got back, she's terrified of him." Mouth let out a small "oh" Riff turns to him fast. "If he comes tonight, I need you and Velma to keep him away from her. I would but I have way too much on my plate. Understood?" Mouth nodded. He walked off and Riff walked to Doc's store.

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