004: The Worst Thing In The World

Start from the beginning

     Megara furrowed her eyebrows.  "How you go figure that?  This is Ricky we're talking about."

     Big Red nearly laughed.  "What do you mean?  I mean, you're making him a mixtape, on a CD nonetheless," the ginger pointed towards the Sharpie and silver disk laying on the small table before them.  "You know that Spotify is a thing, right?"

     "What are you talking about?" Megara scoffed.  When she moved, her tiny gold earrings moved with her.  "It's just a CD."

     "Yeah, and next thing you know, you've got a Pinterest board for your princess-themed wedding," Big Red tilted his head as he looked at his friend, and he could not have been more serious as he said those words.  Which caused Megara to become a little bit hurt, crossing her arms over her chest.  "And then you're sending Cinderella wedding dresses to me at three in the morning."

     "I don't really like Cinderella," she said with a pout.  "You know it wouldn't be that style."

     "My point still stands," Big Red said.

     Megara chewed on her bottom lip as she allowed herself to get lost in thought for a long time.  Right as she was coming to a conclusion along the lines of the fact that Big Red was right, they heard incoming footsteps overhead.  Her eyes grew wide as she and her ginger friend hopped to their feet, sharing one look that said everything that needed to be said.  "Hide it!" Megara whisper-yelled as Big Red clutched onto the CD quickly.

     On it, the words: MIXTAPE 1 BY MEG⸺ i would have never expected this to happen. but i'm glad it did.

     Big Red practically leaped across the room to hide the CD under a stack of games somewhere as Megara dusted the table of any evidence she'd been downloading songs from her laptop earlier — USB cords, marker, thankfully her laptop was already back in her backpack in the corner of the room.  All that was left was a bowl of popcorn that was growing stale.

     And as Ricky turned the corner after landing his feet in the basement, Megara threw a fistful of that popcorn at him.

     As kernels hit his face and chest before scattering to the floor, Ricky stared at her blankly.  "Well, I've seen it all now."

     Megara didn't have the heart to admit that she was hiding something.  Big Red tried to look at relaxed as he could, but if you looked hard enough, you could clearly tell the two were previously in a deep conversation.  Thankfully, Ricky was never clever enough to figure it out.

     At the time.

     "Sorry," Megara shrugged like throwing food around was now part of her everyday routine, like this was something that she did all the time.  "I just wanted to boo your outfit."

     Ricky mockingly smiled at her, one that Megara matched perfectly with her own smug face plus a nose scrunch, to which he then scoffed.  "Is this not good enough for you?" he asked, smoothing his jean jacket out with his palm.

     "At least wear something that compliments your eyes," Megara placed a hand on her hip.  "A pop of color wouldn't hurt every now and then."

     "Your cousin's texting again," Big Red alerted her, taking the liberty of tossing Megara's iPhone across the room.  Thankfully, Ricky reached out and grabbed it midair before anything happened to it.

     This was true, Megara's cousin Charlene had tried texting her multiple times throughout the day, but she had pushed it aside.  Honestly, Megara had made a mental note to text her later, but seeing as it was already the evening, later had already come.

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