Part 3 ~ The summoning

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For the next few seconds there was dead silence. Nothing happened at first and Aro began to laugh shrilly, Caius chimed in with his own laugh and even Marcus huffed out an amused breath. As all of them were born in Greece, they knew the language quite well, so they understood every single word.

When Aro somewhat calmed down, he addressed the Romanians.
"I've missed hearing the sound of my mother tongue, dear Vladimir. But whatever mummer's farce you've put up here, will not forgive you offending us."

When the Volturi king raised a hand into Jane's direction, indicating for her to act, the sky darkened. Dark black clouds came up and angry purple thunder rolled through them.

An eerie feeling charged the air around them, making everyone pause and look up in confusion.

"HA!" Stefan threw his fists in the air, a triumphant look on his face as he looked at the confused faces the Volturi made. Seeing this was a dream come true. This alone gave him so much satisfaction, he didn't felt in over 1500 years.

Black thick smoke ascended down onto the middle of the field, right in front of the grinning Romanians. When the smoke somewhat cleared, a young woman with purple eyes stared back at them.

"No, no, no. You've done it wrong."

"I'm never wrong, Stefan!"

"But that's not Hades! Look, that's a girl."

"I can see that too."

"When you get summoned, it is important that you bluff." Her father stared down on Calypso, his arms crossed over his breastplate. Angry red energy flowed inside his marks, adorning his arms.

"Why should I bluff if I can just set them on fire?" The brunette rolled her eyes at her father, pointing out the obvious.

The God stared her down with a scowl. "If they're mortal, yes. But what if they aren't? What if they are gods like you and me? They will soon see that you're young and weak."

Granted, Calypso was only 19 years old and a baby in comparison to other gods. Her marks had yet to glow as bright as her father's or mother's. It was only a little hue, indicating that her powers had limits.

"Fine, what kind of bluff are we talking about?" The teenager huffed out annoyed. She would rather do typical teenager stuff, but instead she had to endure her father's paranoia. He thought of every possibility of her getting killed and wanted to prevent it.

"Make them fear you. Make them think you are older and more ancient than them. That you don't care for them. Let them beg for your attention."

"SILENCE!" A voice rang through the air, making the bickering Romanians stop fighting. Without moving her mouth, Calypso's voice shook the air in a loud whisper. A whisper of many voices, one overlaid over the other. It created a creepy atmosphere.

'Make them fear me' She thought, unbeknownst to her, a certain mindreader heard her every word.

"Who dares to summon the great Calypso, goddess of creative destruction, princess of the Underworld?" She demanded. Her face didn't betray her. The moment she saw their red eyes and pale skin, she knew that they were not human. She had to play this game, just like her father instructed.

"Pardon, oh mighty Calypso." Vladimir took a step forward and bowed his head. "It was us. I am Vladimir and this is my friend Stefan."

Calypso's purple eyes looked fleetingly to the other vampire, before they got back to the blonde, as he spoke again.

"We summoned Hades, but any God is more than welcomed to aid us in crushing our enemies." Vladimir indicated to the Volturi with his hand and Calypso took her surroundings in for the first time.

She was on a field, before her stood two male vampires that summoned her. On either side of the field were a group of vampires, one with casual cothes and one group with black robes. And the ones with casual clothes, stood together with wolves, as big as horses.

Stefan bowed and exclaimed.
"We are but your devoted servants and ask for your help."

'These are all vampires. Too many to take them on my own. I have to bluff myself through this situation. Well fuck me, here goes nothing'

"And why should I do that?" The whispered voice asked. "You, who say that you're my servants? The only sacrifice you made, was this little bird and it wasn't even in my name."

Panic filled the Romanians faces and it only got worse when Calypso spoke again. "Give me one good reason not to turn you into worms and crush you under the heel of my foot."

The Romanians began to stutter and if they could sweat, they would have. It was Aro, out of anyone, who saved them.

"Impossible, I've prayed to your kind all my mortal life. Never would have I thought to see a God in the flesh." He spoke in ancient greek.

'Do something to impress them, to show your powers and what you could do to them, if they don't obey' The voice of her father rang inside her head.

Calypso teleported herself in front of the Volturi king. The black smoke, that seemed to come out of her back, never ceasing. "You speak my tongue." It was a statement, not a question.

"Unlike the Romanians, who called you, I, Aro Volturi, did devote to your kind. Although I was a follower of many gods, I've never heard of a goddess with your name." Aro said in English and bowed his head.
Never had he bowed. Never in the 3400 years of his immortal existence did he bow to anyone. This was the first time he did and he did it only to not offend the goddess before him.

Calypso scanned the crowed that gathered around him.
'Everyone got their outfit in the same store, huh?' Straining hard not to smirk, her eyes landed on a darkhaired blonde with golden eyes. 'You're different, but why?'

"Pardon me, mighty Calypso. You introduced yourself with princess of the Underworld. I take it that your father is Hades, no?" Marcus broke her out of her thoughts.

Making eye contact with him, she noticed that he radiated an aura full of grief and sorrow.

'Make it clear to anyone, that I am your father. So that they know what will happen to them if they'd hurt you.' Hades voice was as clear in her head, as the day he had said it to her.

"Yes." Came the quick answer and just as quick Calypso added "Tell me what this is about. I'm getting bored and that is not good for my mood." She threatened them.

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