Liam is breathing heavily and judging by the way he's looking at Jesse who is stood beside me, it looks as if he's about to pounce on him again. I shake my head and that seems to convince him as he turns his gaze to me for a second.

He barely spares me a glance before he's on his feet, ignoring my outstretched hand as he brushes past me and up the stairs. Hurt consumes me as I immediately think of everything I had possibly done wrong. I hear Jesse scoff and mumble something that sounds awfully similar to pussy.

I send him a glare, consumed with hatred for him as I remember everything I had pushed so far back in my brain. My anger is only amplified by the smirk on Jesse's face. He seems to notice this as his smile fades and his expression turns serious.

"Kia, can I have a word?" I cringe at the use of my nickname, digging my nails into my palms to resist the temptation to punch him. "Please"

"Yep, you can have three actually" I smile sarcastically and he sighs at this. "Go to hell"

And I fucking mean it.


"Liam?" I call softly as I enter bedroom. I had knocked twice but he hasn't replied either time. When I walk in, I find him laying on his bed, his hands clenched into fists beside him. "You okay?"

"Mhm" He mumbles, his nostrils flaring as he takes deep breaths, making it clear that he is in fact not okay.

"Please don't be mad at me" I whisper, as I sit beside him, biting down on my lip to stop my tears from spilling.

"I'm not" He sighs, looking at me with an apologetic expression which reassures me that he's not mad at me. But he's obviously mad, and it upsets me to see him like that. "Not at you. At that son of a bitch"

"Me too" I reply, laying down beside him and swinging my leg over his.

"You probably have more of a reason than me" He admits, looking guilty as he stares down at his bruised knuckles.

"Probably" I shrug and he frowns at me, seeming confused to which I laugh, confused. "Why you confused?"

"You're not mad at me" He sounds shocked. God damn have I got that much of a shit personality, he thinks I'll get mad at everything.

"Why would I be mad Liam?" I ask, exasperated. "He deserved it. You know, for months after he was locked up, I almost convinced myself to visit him, it wouldn't have been difficult to find him. You wanna know why I didn't?" When he nods I keep talking, taking his cut up hand into mine. "Because of you. I hated you, for ages and I didn't see it at the time, but you distracted me enough to not actually go through with it. I have no reason to be mad at you. You saved me then and you saved me again today"

He looks confused as he stares at me, I find comfort in the silence of the moment as he rubs circles on the back of my hand. "How did I save you today?"

I sigh, wishing that he hadn't asked that question, it's not exactly something I'm proud of. "Because I probably would've talked to him. I mean, I think I'll have to eventually, especially if he'll be saying here but..." I trail off when Liam snatches his hand back, the peaceful expression in his eyes having faded, leaving an angry look that I haven't been on the recieving end of for a long while.

We Go Down Together || Liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now