Chapter Nine ~ Welcome to Fish-Man Island

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"It's a group of sea monsters!" Nami said, she, Brook, Usopp and Chopper all screamed in fear.

"We're dead! After we got all the way here!" Usopp yelled.

They were surrounded by a sea lion, a sea elephant, a sea giraffe, a sea gorilla, a sea rhino and a sea polar bear.

"They're so cool! The sea monsters!" Luffy said looking at them all, then he noticed something "Somebody's riding it" he said.

"Why are you obeying such fools as humans? Kraken!" A fishman riding on the back of the sea giraffe asked, Surume got scared and ran off dropping the Sunny.

"What are you doing Surume? We were almost there!" Luffy yelled.

"Saying that won't help! Hang on! Don't get thrown off!" Usopp called.

"My eyes are spinning!" Chopper said.

"So are mine, but i don't have eyes!" Brook said.

The Sunny landed on the sea floor and slid in the sand a little ways but all the Straw Hats were safe, at least they would be if the sea animals weren't still surrounding them.

"We're right in the middle of the sea monsters!" Usopp yelled.

"You guys are the Straw Hats aren't you?" the fishman that scared off Surume said.

"Wh-who are you? How do you know about us?" Luffy asked.

"Yes i know you all very well, you are the ones who foiled the plans of the Arlong Pirates, that act was easy enough to understand but then you stood up for Hachi-san, the former officer of the Arlong Pirates, two years ago and knocked one of the hateful Celestial Dragons out! Just like Fisher Tiger, the hero of Fish-Man island who we respect, it's hard to decide what i should do with you" the fishman said.

"So tell me, are you guys out enemies or not? I give you an option, do you wanna enlist under our banner the New Fish-Man Pirates? Or do you refuse?" the fishman asked.

"If you refuse we'll sink you" he added.

"What did you say?" Luffy asked.

"Franky, fuel up" Nami told the cyborg.

"What are you gonna do?" he asked.

"You know that Luffy and the others won't give in to them but we're ten thousand meters deep now, we can't even fight and there's no chance to win, so we run, do the Coup de Burst using all the air we have and charge into Fish-Man island" Nami explained her plan, shocking Chopper and Brook who overheard.

"Are you serious?" Franky asked.

"Otherwise we are all gonna die after coming this far" Nami said.

Robin nodded in agreement "It seems like that's the only way that we can survive" she said.

"Okay i'll fill it up, Franky steer the ship" Usopp said rushing below deck to fill up the fuel tanks.

"Alright, super count on me!" Franky called as Nicole, Brook, Chopper and Sanji drew in the sails.

"So, do you wanna work under us, Straw Hat Luffy?" the fishman asked.

"No way! Stupid!" Luffy taunted with a grin.

"You refused the offer to join the New Fish-Man pirates! Then you guys are the Fish-Men's enemy! Just sinful human beings!" the fishman yelled at them.

"Why should we work under you?!" Luffy asked taunting them further by stretching out his mouth.

"Luffy, don't rub them the wrong way!" Chopper pleaded the rubber man in tears.

"It's a shame, then we can't let you pass through here, this is where we sink you! Sea Lion!" the fishman called and the corresponding sea animal roared before swimming towards the ship.

"It's done, Franky, do it" Usopp said through a snail phone once he was done filling up the cola fuel.

"Roger!" Franky called as the Sea Lion grew closer to them, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Nicole got ready to fight it but before the sea lion got to the Sunny Franky activated the Coup de Burst sending the ship flying towards Fish-Man island.

The burst depleted the last of the air the Straw Hats had in the bubble though so it squished everyone against the ship, but as they made it through the first layer of the bubble the coating came off.

"We're gonna run into more bubble! Hold on tight!" Franky called, and everyone grabbed the nearest object, which for Nicole was the railing next to Zoro.

The Sunny rammed into the next bubble and broke through, sending a flood of water rushing over the Straw Hats she was carrying, the force was too great and none of the crew were able to hold on and thus were sent drifting apart.

Book Two: You're my Treasure Too (Zoro X OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat