Welcome to the Crew

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Hours of driving, eating nothing but fast food and snacks, and small bathroom breaks at gas stations, they are now happy to see the lights of Hurricane. It was still an hour away to Freddy's house, and the crew were still asleep in car, expect for Baby in the main car, Fay in the second, and Ennard in the truck. Their butts were sore and limbs as well. Baby still can't believe this is still happening. But she knew this was for the better of everything. And for everyone as well. Freddy's a good friend, she knows he'll treat them good. After an hour later, they finally arrived at Freddy's house. A big house with a great mountain view. Baby parked the car, and clapped out loud to wake up everyone. Everyone groaned from being woken up.

"Up your lazy asses. We're here."

Everyone looked in front of them, and they all were amazed by Freddy's house location. They all got out, stretched a bit from the very long car ride, and walked up to the door. Baby then knicked hard, and waited for Freddy to answer. Which only took a few seconds. Freddy opened the door, and looked all happy.

"Hey, *hugs Baby* glad you're finally here!"

"Ok, ok. Easy there, you big teddy bear. *chuckles* Can we come in?"

"Of course."

He moved to the side, and let all of them in. He closed the door, and made them follow him to the living room. In there, they all sat on either the couch or one of the chairs. Freddy then sat om his chair, and began to speak.

"Alright then. It's great to finally meet you all. Barb here-"

"Freddy! You know that I don't like to be called by my real name!"

"I know, I know. But, I want to be professional here, ok?"

"*groans* Fine."

"Alright, so like I was saying, Barb here told all of your talents, and what you've done in your old restraunt. While two of you do the samething me and my friends do, the rest of you have unqiue talent."

Freddy then took out blueprints of his pizzeria, and spread it across table in front of them.

"I have suspected this for a while-"

"Woooow. You've expected my failure for a while now."

"Hey, don't put words in my mouth like that. But, I have suspected this for a while, and in these blueprints, I have put in designs for more rooms for you guys. Barb and Ennard, you'll have one room full of stuff you guys are good at. Paints, balloons, and ice cream machine, all of it. Fay and Finn, a play area room for the kids. And Ballora, a room with a little stahe for your dancing, and some tables for them to eat at. I haven't constructed the rooms yet, because I wasn't too sure how long it would take for you guys to come, or if you were evening come down. But, I can have all of these rooms made within a month."

"That sounds great!!" Finn yelled out.

"Finn! Volume level." Baby said.

"This all sounds really great, Mr.Fazbear." Ballora said.

"Please, call me Freddy. You don't need to be formal to me."

"Soooo, Fred, my man." Ennard said.

"Yeah, Ennard?"

"Soooo, what's the living arrangment gonna be?"

Baby then smacked him at the back of his head.

"Hey, what the hell?!"

"Now is not the time to ask that!"

"Oh come on, we both know either you or me were gonna ask that!"

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