No one said anything. She was scared at this point. Scared that one of them saying it's a bad idea, and she should've stick with the restraunt. While she was deep in mind, she didn't realized that her brother Ennard got up from his seated, and hugged her. She hugged him back, and felt the tears come down her face and onto his shoulder. She started to whimper a bit, and Ennard stroke her hair.

"Shh, it's ok, Sis. It's ok. You did the right thing. At least at the end, you at least attempted your dream. Mom would've been proud."

"I- *sniffs* I don't think so. I've failed at the end."

Baby then felt someone put their hand on her shoulder, and looked to her right and saw it was Ballora.

"At least you made it a reality for a bit. That's what most people failed to do."

"Yea. I guess you're right, Ballora."

"I can't believe you talked to Freddy again."

"Well, he called me. Which, I'm glad he did. But guys, I do want you guys to do what I said and pack all of your things. We're leaving early in the morning, so we can get there at night. Anything you don't want, just leave it here."

Finn then quickly raised his hand like a little kid wanting an answer.

"*groans* What is it, Finn?"

"Can I still keep, Bon-Bon?"

"Finn, he's your pet bunny. Why would you assume I want you to get rid of him?"

"Because you try to before." Fay said.

"Butt out, Fay! This doesn't involve you."

"It sorta does."

"I wanted him to get rid of him the first time because, he just found him outside, running aroumd through the dirt."

"Hey, you should know how Finn is."

"Yes, I know. And it worries me sometimes."

Finn then pouted his face, and Fay just patted his back.

"Alright then. I'm gonna go to the bank, give them the lease and the keys to the restraunt back, and that would be all done. Be right back."

She then grabbed her keys, walked to the car, and drove off to the bank. In there, she explained why she can't continue in her restraunt anymore, handed them all ownership papers and keys to them, and signed off some papers for the building being owned by the bank again. With all of that, she drove back to the house, and once inside, she saw some boxes being spread around, and them packing up already. She help them with packing stuuf from the living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room. Later, Ennard arrived at the house with a moving truck. They loaded all the boxes they packed into the truck. With all of that, they just need to pack up their stuff from their rooms. They didn't have alot of stuff in their rooms, so they were just gonna do that in the morning. With all of that being dine, it was now night time, and they were all tired from packing up everything. They went off to sleep one last time in the house again. In Baby's room, as she was about to lay down and rest, she heard someone knocking at her door. She opened it, and saw Ballora.

"What's wrong, Ballora? Can't sleep, again?"

"No, not that. I just want to see if you're feeling ok."

"Earlier, I wasn't. But, I am now. It is hard for me to know that my dream had failed."

"Hey, at least you did great at it. It was fun calling you the boss for a while."

"*chucklwa* Thanks. But, at lwast it's not comepletly dead. With Freddy's, we can all still entertain kids, and britghen up their days. That's all I ever wanted. And also, with this offer, it can be a new life for all of us. I just want you guys to have a good life."

"Thanks Baby, that means an alot."

"Hey, maybe up there, I cam introduce you to Freddy even more, huh?."

She nuged Ballora a bit, and smirk.

"*chuckles* Baby, I never what met this Freddy guy. What makes you think he would even be a match for me?"

"Oh, you'll be surprise. He's a total sweetheart alot of the times. Alot of girls even wanted to dated him back in high school."

"Well, I'll be the judge of that."

"Hehehe. Alright now, head off to sleep. We need to get up early, remember?"

"I remember. I'm going. Goodnight."


Theg thenwent to their beds, and drifted off to sleep. They then all woke up at 5 in the morning, started to pack up all of their stuff in their rooms, and pack it in the truck. Which only took them an hour to do. They then decided that Ennard should drive the truck, Baby drives the main car, and Fay drives the second car. They then, locked up the empty house one last time, made sure they got everything they needed, and drove off to Hurricane.

Where they would start their new lives

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