Seviathan Von Eldritch

Start from the beginning

"Sing a song about it?" Tom said

"You knew I was gonna say that." Charlie said

"Because that's what you did last time." Tom said

"Anyway, I have good news, I have made a deal with Blitzø who is the founder of IMP & a family friend of mine, his company will be sending their client here to be redeemed." Charlie said

"Splendid, my dear, I knew that company would come in handy." Alastor said "Also, there's someone expecting to see you at your office."

"Who is it?" Charlie said

"Come." Alastor said as he led Charlie & Vaggie to her office

When they entered the office Charlie saw her ex-boyfriend standing in front of them.

"Sev?" Charlie said as she & Vaggie we're shocked

"Hello Charlotte..." Seviathan said neutrally

"What are you doing here?" Charlie asked

"I...I came to help." Seviathan said

"You what?" Charlie said

"I want to help you with this hotel." Seviathan said

"Wait, you're serious?" Charlie said surprisingly

"Charlie, I can't make any promises, but I'll do the best I can to help you with this project." Seviathan said

"Eeeeeeeeeee!" Charlie squealed happily as she hugged him "Hehehehehe, thank you, Sev!"

"You're welcome." Seviathan said as he patted her on the back

"Wait, are your parents okay with this?" Charlie asked

"Well, to tell you the truth," Seviathan said as he rubbed the back of his neck "Mom & Dad have been focusing on Helsa lately & planning on replacing me with her as the Von Eldritch heir, so I guess that means I'm all yours."

"Great, I have the perfect job for Seviathan." Charlie said

"What's that?" Seviathan said

"I'm making you the assistant manager." Charlie said

"Assistant manager?" Seviathan repeated

"Yes, since Vaggie is the manager, I thought that maybe she would need help in managing things here at the hotel. I know it may seem pretty weird but will you at least try to help her?" Charlie said

Seviathan was quiet for a moment before looking at Vaggie who looked away as she rubbed her arm.

"Yeah, I'll help her." Seviathan said

"Excellent!" Alastor said happily as he wrapped his arms around Vaggie & Seviathan. "I know you are going to become such good friends."

Ring! Ring!

"Hello?" Charlie answered her phone "Oh hey, Blitzø, what's going on?...That's awesome, thank you so much."

"What is it, hun?" Vaggie asked

"Blitzø sent two of his former clients & they're on their way." Charlie said

"That's wonderful! Let's go greet them." Alastor said as he left with Charlie, leaving Seviathan & Vaggie alone

"Um..." Seviathan said

"'re Charlie's ex?" Vaggie asked awkwardly

"Yes, are you okay with me working as your assistant?" Seviathan asked

"Oh, sure, I'm not very experienced with managing things." Vaggie said

"Come on, don't say that, you seem to be a lot smarter than I am." Seviathan said

"Heh heh heh, I appreciate the compliment." Vaggie chuckled

Seviathan noticed a portrait of him & Charlie

"Is that the picture of me & Charlie when we were at prom in high school?" Seviathan said

"Yeah, Charlie didn't have the heart to take it down, she cherished the day you went to prom together." Vaggie said

"...I didn't know she still cared." Seviathan said as he was speechless

"She always did, she told me how much of a terrific person you are & how you have known each other since you were kids." Vaggie said

"...Did she tell you about our breakup?" Seviathan said

"No, she didn't." Vaggie said much to Seviathan's surprise

"Why not?" Seviathan asked

"Well, she doesn't wanna talk about it." Vaggie said "Is there a reason why you broke up?"

"..." Seviathan stood in silence

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me, but I will tell you this, if you ever do anything to hurt Charlie, I will fire you, understand?" Vaggie said

"Yes Ma'am." Seviathan nodded

"We should go meet our new clients." Vaggie said

"Yep..." Seviathan said

When they got to the lobby, they saw everyone including Blitzø with his two former clients

"Charlie, I want you to meet, Ms. Mayberry & Omar the Ohio guy." Blitzø said

"Hello, welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, you are gonna love it here." Charlie greeted

"It's a pleasure, I'm happy that Blitzø told me about this place." Mayberry smiled

"Are you really gonna help us get redeemed into Heaven?" Omar asked

"Trust me, it may take some time, but it'll all be worth it in the end." Charlie assured

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