Chapter 2

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"Spar with me?" Kayano pulled on Nagisa's sleeve. Nagisa nodded, walking to a semi-clear area. The rest of the class was sparing clearly struggling. "How are your...studies." Kayano grunted, blocking an attack.

"Very well, but I need to work on grammar and spelling more." Kayano slid down and kicked, trying to knock Nagisa down, but he jumped on top of her, pinning the green-haired girl down. "Gotcha." Nagisa stated, helping his best friend. 

"I think we're done, after all Mr. Karasuma said whoever finishes first could go home for the day. We finished first." Nagisa fixed his ponytails.

Kayano nodded in agreement, grabbing Nagisa's hand and dragging the blueberry into their classroom. The two waved at their tentacled teacher, but stopped when he appeared in front of them.

"Would you like me to give you two a ride?" Nagisa nodded, while Kayano furrowed her brow. Nagisa crawled under Koro-Sensei's robes, and popped his head out. "Come on, I did this with Karma when we went to go see a movie with Koro-Sensei."

Kayano slowly nodded, copying Nagisa. In a blink of an eye, they where at the entrance of her house, While Nagisa's hair was messy. "Here we are, have a nice rest of your day you two." Koro-Sensei chuckled, while blasting of.

"Well, Let's invite everybody over, like a big sleepover!" Kayano exclaimed. Nagisa pulled out his phone, then sent a text to the 3-E group chat.

Gender: Sleepover at Kayano's house, be here by 9:00

Semi-Senioritis: I'm on my way, I'll bring dinner.

Poison Specs: I'll bring drinks, Anyone want anything?

Baseball Geek: Okuda, I want sprite, also on my way with the games, indoor and outdoor.

President Poverty: for breakfast we can go to the café I work at.

Terminal Perv: I'm comi-

Forever Flat: No. I will kick you out of my damn house Okajima.

Dating Sim Protagonist: I'll come.

Everyone agreed to the sleepover, and Nagisa dumped a bunch of pillows and blankets on the floor of the living room. "I think we're ready." Kayano stated, checking off a checklist.


"OPEN UP! THE RED DEVIL IS HERE!" Kayano skipped towards the door, to be met with her class. "HI! Nagisa's already inside." Kayano took the chicken crockpot from Karma.

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