Part 2 (finally)

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*Obanai's text will be in italics - Giyuu's text will be normal*

Is he. . . Singing? His voice is really pretty, weird that he never speaks. . . . . Wait, does he even know I'm right next to him?-

What song was I singing at first? Cause this isn't it. But then again, I always do this. Start singing one song, forget the lyrics, start singing another, forget the lyrics, continue. The others would surely think I was weird. Well, I suppose they already do, but this would make it worse. Besides, I'm not a very good singer anyway.

He's. . .  He's a terrible singer. But it's still kinda. . pleasant? That doesn't make much sense, but it's true. But that proves me right. He definitely doesn't realize I'm right here.

"Ne, Tomioka. I'm right here, you know?"

"!... I didn't notice anyone was near. Sorry about that."

"Yeah, I can tell. You're absolutely terrible, even I can do better than that. . . . . Want me to give you lessons? You have potential if it makes you feel better."

"Potential? I wish. I like singing, sure, but that's really it. I'm not putting myself out there. What I can do is just enough for me. Thank you for the offer, though."

Is he seriously doubting me? I said he was good, and that's something that should lift the spirit of a narcissist easily. We weren't wrong about him, right? . . .

"No, I mean it. I'll give you vocal lessons, and believe me, you'll like your voice even more if you practice."

"No, no. Like I said, I'm fine with what I have. You don't need to waste your time on me."

"Fine. But if you ever change your mind, come to my estate and ask."

"Well. I'll keep that in mind then."

Waste my time on him?! We were way off about this guy's personality. If he really was self-centered, he would have  said something about wasting his time on me!

Fuck, I feel like an absolute piece of shit. I treated him so badly just because I thought he had some big ass ego. And here I am, finding out that it isn't true. I'll have to try and make it up to him at least, since I'm finding out that he really wasn't the asshole here.

"Wait a moment."

"Huh? What do you need?"

"Can I ask you something?*

To be continued. . . . Later . . . . . . . Whenever I get to it .  .

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