They didn't deserve it-- They weren't worth it.

I sat down comfortably once more, crossing my arms over my chest in some form of victory. My expression quickly turned around as I felt Five ruffle my hair, I smiled,

"Good effort." he complimented, I grinned in reply.

The grin faded as I heard chants . . . chants from behind us both.

"CRYBABY! CRYBABY, WAHHH WAHHH!" they all mocked loudly, guess one of my so-called fuckin' siblings let that slip. I looked down at my feet, trying my best to ignore the overbearing noise.

"Shut the fuck up!" Five yelled from beside me, he and them all arguing back and forth as the sounds of their vocals drowned away, me stuck in my own damned thoughts.

I am not a crybaby.

Sure, I get emotional, but that's just part of being a human. I shouldn't be shamed for being more "emotional" than other people ought to be . . .


This is K-Twelve.

I lifted my head once more, looking outside to see our lovely cold weather, my eyes took in every detail we passed, counting trees as they passed by one for one.

I tried my best not to look across the aisle of the bus, keeping my eyes outside the window or simply on Five. For I had saw an unwished scene of Allison and Luther getting way too touchy.


The best part is . . . I knew the driver saw this all unfold, I knew he was peeking. Right in the rear view mirror, yet he said nothing.

He let all of this on the bus happen, the inappropriate behavior . . .

As if no one was watching us, no one gave a fuck.

"This is horrendously tedious." I remarked with half lidded eyes as I stared at Five with a tilted head. Five's eyes drifted towards me slowly, his expression still evidently blank.

"It is."

". . . Heh. What if we . . . got in a little incident? The bus?" he furrowed his brows in response to my words, I grinned mischievously as I gestured towards my head with my hand.

"Y/N, that's . . . that's dangerous."

"Aw. You care. No one will get hurt, just a lil' scared. That's the fun, the adrenaline! To say you have witnessed such monstrosity!" I spoke passionately, a huge smile as I beamed.

Five watched me intently, a hint of skepticism laced his features yet they were overshadowed by the awe he held.

"I'm intrigued." he lowly breathed out, eyes staring into mine. I nodded my head softly, grin still kept.

I closed my eyes, feeling them roll from within as frantic screams spread throughout the bus like wild fire, opening my eyes I saw the bus rattle around as the driver struggled to keep the bus in perfect order due to my strong influence. Five held me tightly, his expression alarmed yet somewhat calm.

I flung the bus off the road, letting it crash into the water, it slowly sunk into the dark abyss of our mysterious pools of ocean.

I scrambled across Five to get closer to the window, smiling as I saw some fish pass by, sea anemones nearby.


"What do you think?" I whispered to Five, my face still looking through the glass as we absent-mindedly held one another,

"Eh, it's alright. Not big on the ocean." I rolled my eyes, of course.

"Whatever." I whispered.

I quietly listened in on the scared mumblings happening throughout the bus. I sighed, plopping back into my seat.

"You don't like it here. Let me show you something else then, the opposite." Five looked confused once I said this, I only shrugged as my eyes closed once more.

Slowly I lifted the bus upwards, bringing it to the sky until it was high enough to see the clouds.

My eyes widened at the sight, wind chiming from outside the cramped bus. I smiled softly at the sight of fluffy white clouds. Five gawked from beside me,

"We should hang here more often." I suggested, eyes still peering over the clouds, Five sublty nodded,

"It's so much better up here." he whispered.

The kids behind us shuffled around and gasped in awe,

"This isn't real . . . this isn't real . . . " a boy repeated, head in his hands as he started to freak out a bit, my smile faltered as I stared back at Five who enjoyed the view.

"Should I land this thing?" I softly asked, eyes half lidded,

"Mhm." he hummed never minded.

"I'm gonna jump out the window!" Klaus exclaimed, him sitting behind Five and I. My eyes widened as my breath hitched, in an instant I lowered the bus gently towards the road. Screams erupting throughout.

Conveniently it landed right in front of our new school. It was huge, had a certain aesthetic. I sighed as I pulled Five's sleeve,

"Horrid." I breathed out as we both left the bus in silence.

𝐊-𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄 [ 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ]Where stories live. Discover now