/ /

That afternoon everyone put the plan into action. Robby and Tory had their fake fight in front of the dojo where Silver is watching from and just as she predicted Silver couldn't resist asking what it was about when she walked into the dojo.

"Robby doesn't like you. He doesn't trust you, least of all with me."
Silver barks out a laugh "Oh that's ridiculous! The safest place for you is with me, at Cobra Kai where I will teach you how to be strong. I'll protect you from your father, the LaRussos, hell, Mr. Keene if that becomes required."
"I thought you only cared about protecting Cobra Kai."
"Your Cobra Kai's champion. Protecting you is protecting Cobra Kai - they're synonymous."
"I don't know... I think I need to get away from here for a little while."
"Well, that's just Robby talking."
"It's not him. It's just everything, the tournament. I can't stop thinking about what happened."
"Right, so this is why you've been so up and down, you think I can't be trusted?"
"No, I trust you. But what if something changes? What if in a year when I've aged out of the All Valley and you decide you can't trust me."
"Oh what? Knowing what I know."
"So what?"
"I want to know that I will be safe. I mean, what if they all find out? The whole Valley will have me pegged for it!"
"That's not going to happen. You have nothing to worry about."
"Fine. Go over it one more time. Make me understand. Make me understand how you are so calm about everything and tell me how I can be too!"
"No, you know what? I'm done talking about it. I've explained it. You know everything there is to know!"
"Right. Well then I guess I'll see you around." Tory headed for the door but as she opened it Silver called her back "Wait, Tory. Stay."
"Talk to me then."
"Do you really think I'll hurt you? How can I change your mind?"
"You need to make me."
"By going over and over what's done? I'm sorry, how's that going to help? Yeah? This is about you and Robby now. I hate to tell you this, kid, but not all teenage romances work out. Perhaps your and Robby's problems keeping you apart are bigger than Cobra Kai."
"Maybe... Maybe it would be different if we both won. Why did the ref only change things in my match? You never explained that." Tory said getting the conversation back on track. Terry explained everything again adding one detail which Tory was able to use to steer the conversation towards his other crime.

"Sensei Kreese had too much of a soft spot for you. For Cobra Kai too, in a way. He wanted to protect it but he was going about it all wrong. You've done bad things for the right reasons before, haven't you Tory?"
"I would say so. Some might argue they weren't valid reasons. Have you ever done that? Besides bribe the ref I mean."

/ /

"Too leading." Detective Kennedy tutted. Mike sighed he knew it was true but his concern for his daughter outweighed his legal head. "You've got to be kidding me."
"She's inviting him to talk about it, it won't be admissible as evidence you should know that."
"Yeah, I do. But she doesn't. How's she going to know what to do after he talks about it and then you don't come in to get her?"
"We'll just have to hope she'll work it out."
"Ugh!" Mike huffed.

/ /

"Maybe... once or twice in the past. But it's always been to protect someone or something-"
"Like Cobra Kai." Tory said.
"Exactly. And now, you. Like I said Cobra Kai and it's champion are synonymous."
"No. You've only ever wanted to protect yourself. I'm sure as hell not gonna be your excuse. Nor am I going to let you use Cobra Kai as an excuse, something that Sensei Kreese and Sensei Lawerence built to teach kids how to protect themselves. You... you use it as a way to hurt people, to hurt kids, to have kids hurt other kids. Why!? Why did you have to ruin it? I loved Cobra Kai! I loved the tournament! I thought I won, it was everything I ever wanted!"
"You did win."
"You want to be Cobra Kai? You want to be Cobra Kai? I'll make you Cobra Kai. You've just gotta do something for me first." Tory quoted.
"Recognise that? He was defenceless, you hurt Stingray and framed Sensei Kreese for it. Old people don't realise just how clever technology is - it never really goes away. You beat Stingray up and framed Sensei Kreese for it."
"And just where is this recording of me hurting Stingray?"
"Somewhere safe."
"I want to see it."
"So there's a fake recording of me hurting Stingray and I don't get to see it."
"It's not fake."
"Where'd you get it?"
"Doesn't matter where I got it."
"This is Robby, in'it? You can't trust him, he wants to destroy Cobra Kai - destroy everything you've worked for."
"It doesn't matter where I got it because I heard it and I know what you did!"
"I didn't do anything, this is Robby!"
"You told me that he was hurt when you found him!"
"But you didn't find him like that. You caused him to be like that!" Tory shouted hitting him unceremoniously with her fists.
"I didn't do anything! Calm down!"
"I am not going to calm down 'till you give me the truth." Tory shouted pointing her finger at him.
"We need to work this out."

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