Strawberries & Cigarettes

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"Whee! Wheeinie! Jung Wheein!!!" Quick knocks on the window and Taehyung's hurried voice pulled Wheein out of the dreamy state right before she fell asleep.

She slid the window open with her left foot and grumbled because her sleep was interrupted, "Why are you here, Tae?"

"What, I can't come to see my best friend whenever I want?" Taehyung stuck his head inside her room and grinned.

"Of course not, it's midnight and I'm sleeping. And why are you allowed to go outside at this time?" She nagged at him with her eyes still closed as she hadn't been fully awake yet.

"I'm not. I snuck out to see you. Are you ready for some adventures? Because I know this really interesting place you'll definitely love." This time he leaned half of his body over the window pane and reached his hand to pull at her toes.

She kicked it off and sleepily rejected whatever idea he was having in his mind, "Nope, I don't want to go, you go alone."

"Come on, sleepyhead, we may not get another chance after today."

His words rang like an alarm and she was suddenly wide awake. Taehyung was moving to Seoul tomorrow to start his training and pursue his dream of being a Kpop idol. Even though he had promised to come back and visit Wheein every time he had a chance, they both knew that was just wishful thinking.

She raised her head to look at him who was standing by the window gazing back at her with his puppy eyes to plead her to go with him. She knew he was telling the truth. With every minute passing by, the chance to be with each other freely like this were more and more out of reach.

Wheein sighed at that thought and then got down from the bed to change into casual clothes.

"Okay, I'll go with you. But I swear to God, Tae, if you're gonna lead me somewhere stupid I'm gonna kill you." She said while handing him her backpack.

"Don't worry. Have I ever let you down?" He beamed his shit-eating grin at her and offered his hand to help her down. She grabbed his hand without any hesitation.

She didn't waste any second to think before answering him, "Well, to be honest, millions of times before. You're, like, the last person I would trust in this world."

"Oh my dear Wheeinie, you're so funny!" He burst out laughing but his hold on her hand was firm enough for her to jump off the window and then land without staggering.

"Let's go!" Taehyung pulled on her hand to lead her to the "interesting place" in his words.

Turned out it was nothing more than their high school.

Wheein furrowed her eyebrows when they finally arrived at the main gate, "Why are we going to our school? Haven't we had enough of it?"

"Dear Lord, Whee, you've been asking why a lot today." There it was again, his shit-eating grin. He sure had something up his sleeve, or else he wouldn't act this mysteriously.

She mumbled, "In my defence, I was woken up at midnight for some fucking reasons I don't even know."

"You'll know soon. Just be patient." He started walking again. Wheein couldn't help but run after Taehyung or else she wouldn't be able to keep up with his long stride.

They snuck into the school through the back entrance and an unlocked window of their own classroom on the ground floor. Taehyung told her that he had intentionally left it like that when the last class of the school year ended and everyone had gone out.

After running as quietly as possible up the stairs to the fourth and highest floor, they stopped in front of a locked steel door. Taehyung fumbled in his backpack before showing her a small key.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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