ابدأ من البداية

hush was in a broken down building as he walks out of it and sun was as a cops surrounded the area as well as some pro heros
as the cops point their guns at hush who just stands their having a pissed off look on his face not being in a mood for
this bullshit.


hush uses smokescreen to distract them as uses dark for all at 50% as he jumps forward in the air
as he send his fist down on the ground sending a red an black electric shockwave killing off the cops
and pro heros. hush wiped off some dirt on his shoulder and disappears from the scene.

we see hush in his lair sitting in his chair as he works on his duel pistols and fixing the aim for his duel pistols.
hush finished fixing the aim as he went ot his bed and took off his bandaged mask and stares at the ceilling,
remembering being totured by his own so called friends as he just growled wanting to finish them off and make
them suffer.

thomas gets off his bed and puts back on his bandaged mask as he puts his pistols away in his belt. suddenly
dangers sense was activated hush avoided a massive fist going through his room, hush looks through the hole of his
room to see the police surrounding the building he's in as well and three pro heros as the one who punched a large hole
in his room was none other then MT lady who looks filled with rage and hate towards hush who just scoffs at her attempt.

HUSH: it seems like you have grudge with me mt lady.

mt lady who is large grabbed hush with her hand as she brings him to her face.

MT LADY: you killed my boyfriend you villain and now you're gonna pay!!

HUSH: why do you give a shit about that bastered?! he raped 3 women and
killed them, how could revenge a rapist you fucking idiot!!

mt lady knew what her boyfriend did but it must of been a by hush himself, hush found this as a oppotunity
as hush activated dark for all full cowl and breaks free of MT lady's massive hand and sends a flick of air at her
making her drop on a abandoned building as she was k.o'd after that.

hush landed on the ground as he sees three pros charging at him who are revealed to be gran torino,hawks and
mirko as they ready to attck hush. hush just scoffs as gran torino does a fast kick at hush but he avoids it grabs
gran torino's leg and slams him down on the ground leaving a crater. hawks throws his red feathers at
hush but he avoids them an grabs one as he throws it back at hawks, hitting hawks in the should as gets n one
knee form the pain.

HUSH: *smirks* not so tough now birdy are ya.


hush gets kicks in his side as he's sent crash into a pile of rubble, hush gets up as he's coat
and suit under it were damaged from the impact in the rubble. hush looks at mirko who smirks
as she gets in a battle stance but the swat teams get in her way as they surround hush with
their assault rifles aimed at him.

SWAT LEADER: it's over hush give it up!

HUSH: hehe, you're funeral.

hush activated smokescreen as the swat teams were consumed by fog of it as hush just smiled taking
out his duel guns, mirko could hear the screams of the swat teams as gunshots were head and bodies
thudded to the ground.

THE BETRAYED AND BROKEN HUSH (mha fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن