Smash Bros

8 1 0

Minx P.O.V
Word Count 1230

I finish putting my clothes in my closet trying to get over what had just happened between Colby and me. I hear someone knock on my door and I turn around and see Sam standing at my closet door. "Hey, can I talk to you about something?" I nod and walk out of my closet and look at Sam "what's up?" "How do you like everyone?"

I sit on my bed and Sam sits next to me "they all seem really nice." He nods "and what about Colby?" I look at him "he's pretty cool, why do you ask?" he looks at me "because it looked like you thought he was more than cool when I walked in and you two looked like you were going to kiss." my eyes widen a little "we were not going to kiss, I couldn't reach the hangers and he reached over me and grabbed them for me." he shakes his head a little "Minx, you're my little sister and I care about you. Colby is a good person but I would rather you two not-" I cut him off "Sam, I promise you do not have to worry about anything. Nothing is going on between me and Colby." he nods a little and gets up "okay okay. I'll let you finish getting unpacked, the party will be at 8:30." "Okay thanks" he walks out and closes my door.

I finally finish unpacking and I see I still have 2 hours before the party so I decide to walk downstairs and see if anyone was sitting in the living room. As I walk downstairs I see Kat and Sam standing near the door, I guess Kat just got back. Normally I don't eavesdrop but this seems serious so what better time to eavesdrop than now? "Sam, I know you don't wanna believe it but Colby and Minx are alike in some ways and they may get close with each other that doesn't mean they are going to date."

I see Sam nod "I know but she's my little sister and-" Kat shook her head "she's your little sister yes, but she is also a woman and can make her own decisions, I know you wanna make sure she's safe but you know Colby. You know he's a good person and if they were to date, not saying they will, you know that she will be with someone who will take care of her and love her like you take care of me and love me." she kisses his cheek and I jump as I feel someone tap my back.

"Shit-" I turn around and see Jake "sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Colby and I are doing a smash bros tournament wanna join?" I nod "hell yeah"

I follow Jake to his room and when I walk in I see Colby sitting on Jake's beanbag. "Will there be enough room for me?" I look at Jake but Colby answers "we'll figure it out" I nod a little and watch as Jake sits on the beanbag as well. The only space I could actually fit would be on the edge near Colby.

I walk over to him and sit down "I'm not too close am I" he shakes his head "nope, and even if you were I wouldn't complain" I quickly look away from him so he doesn't notice me blushing. "So two people will go first and whoever loses passes the controller to the other person, okay?" Colby and I nod. "Rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first?" we both nod again and Colby and Jake play rock, paper, scissors.

Colby won, Jake won, Colby won again, Jake won again. The next few rounds were back and forth with ties. "For fucks sakeeee" Jake groaned "okay last time. I'll place scissors if you place rock" Colby said getting ready for the next game. "Deal." they play one more time... Colby won. Neither of them played what they said they were gonna play Colby placed rock and Jake put scissors. "Fuckk" Colby laughed "well you tried"

Jake looks at me "alright Minx ready?" I nod and get ready for the game I had to lean over Colby a little in order to reach Jake and Colby placed his hand on my lower back my eyes widen a little and we start playing. Jake won, Jake won again, tie. "Damn, you are not good at this game." Colby chuckled and I smile a little as we start playing again. I won, I won, I won again.

"And she made a comeback" Colby starts laughing I sit up and grab a controller. "Yep, and now I'm gonna beat your ass in Smash Bros." Colby gets a controller "Oh is that a challenge?" I shake my head "Not a challenge, love. A promise" Jake laughs "ooo shit" Colby nods with a slight smirk on his face " alright we will see about that won't we?"

He turns on the game and once it's on I start scrolling through the characters I choose Bayonetta and Colby chooses Little Mac. He starts the game and we start playing. A few minutes pass and we've both gotten close to losing multiple times. After I almost knocked off the platform he lightly started nudging me "you're cheating" I say trying not to laugh as I start nudging him back.

With one hit he finally knocks me off the platform completely and I groan and lean on Colby "nooo" he laughs "yes! Fuck yes! I knew I was gonna win" I slowly hand the controller to Jake and when I realize I was still on Colby I get off of him "sorry about that" he smiles sweetly at me "No problem I didn't mind" what a flirt. We all kept playing until 7:30 and I got up. "I'm gonna go get ready for the party it was so fun playing with you guys we need to do that again." they both nod "yeah that'll be cool," Jake says and Colby gets up "I'm gonna go get ready too." we both walkout.

I get ready to walk into my room but I'm stopped by Colby lightly grabbing my hand. "Hey, did Sam ask you about anything between us too?" I nodded "Yeah, and I think I heard him talking to Katrina about it earlier." he smiled a little "of course he was. So what did you say?"

Fuck, his smile was adorable ughhh how can someone be so perfect. I was so busy thinking I didn't hear his question "Minx?" I snapped out of my thoughts "Sorry what did you say?" he chuckled "What did you tell Sam about us?" "Oh I just told him not to worry about anything. What did you tell him?" "Same thing"

I nod and he looks down at our hands and slowly lets go "you put up a fight in the game we should play again sometime but just you and me. No one else" I nod "yeah that would be nice." he gets closer to me and our lips almost touch before he speaks softly "I'll talk to you later" he smirks and walks to his room. I can't tell if he's playing with my feelings or is just teasing me but at this point, I don't care because I like it.

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