
246 12 3

Hate [heɪt]
feel intense dislike for:
"the boys hate each other" · [more]
loathe · detest · [more]

intense dislike:
"feelings of hate and revenge"
loathing · hatred · [more]


If you had told Marinette how much her life could change because of a simple foreign exchange, she wouldn't have ever believed you. She would say that her life is perfect and anyone would have believed her. Hawkmoth had been defeated for over a year, her designs were now getting shows all to themselves and her and her boyfriend's one year anniversary was coming up.

It's a pity nobody ever tries to look past the surface.


Damian would have laughed at you if you had told him. The first part he would have believed, but not what followed. He's Damian. He can't meet his match, whether it be during a spar or in school. He can't end up covered in bright pink glitter because he accidentally spilled his drink on a sketchbook. He can't end up looking forward to going to school just to see her and find a new way to try to annoy her.

It's funny how things turn out in the end...


Waking up in the morning has never been an easy task for Marinette, but today was an exception. It's her last day of school before leaving for Gotham tomorrow morning. Marinette was excited about today. She had a date with Adrien tonight and, while she waited for him to pick her up for school, she chose her outfit for this evening. After looking through her wardrobe three time, she settled for a form-fitting dress Adrien particularly likes on her. He says it accentuates all of the right places. She might be cold tonight, but it will be worth it for him. She stares at the dress for a few minutes, lost in thought.

"Marinette? You're going to be late if you don't leave now." Tikki says as she lands on her holder's shoulder.

She snaps out of her thoughts and before asking "What time is it?"

"You've got less than ten minutes to get to school." Plagg answers. "Adrien just asked you where you were.

-I guess he's not picking me up like we had agreed..."

Marinette grabs her bag and leaves her room after saying goodbye to the kwamis. She ran through the bakery, barely having the time to greet her parents before being out the door and running across the street and to school. As she gets to her classroom, she notices her reflection and a knot forms in her stomach.

My hair is a mess!

She tries her best to fix it before taking a deep breath and entering the class and sitting down next to her boyfriend just seconds before the bell rang. She kissed him on the cheek and got her books out of her bag, expecting him to say "Hello!" or "How are you?". Instead, she hears :

"Where have you been?

- I was waiting for you to pick me up, like we had agreed.

- We never agreed on that.

- Bu-

- What are you even wearing? Put this on."

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