episode 75 - sanskar's demand to swara

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Recape - ragini's  confrontation with swara about her  behaviour with sanskar truth come infront of swara. Sanskar come at swara's house to meet her

Swara look toward sanskar then sense there closeness she sign heavily push sanskar turn her face otherside feeling little bit awkward remembering about there closeness she gulp down her saliva and then look toward sanskar turning toward him seeing him staring her she get angry remembering it's midnight and he is in her room she look toward sanvi who was sleeping peacefully hugging her teddy bear she hold Sanskar's hand and take him out toward kitchen look toward him angrily sanskar looks on
Swara - what's wrong with you sanskar can you explain me what the hell your doing at my home at this time did you losted
Sanskar - i feel like to meet you that's why i have come to meet you doll and your getting angry at me i was missing you yaar
Swara - just shut up sanskar before abhi come back from office and see both of us like this you just leave from here i don't want any kind of problem just because of you in my life
Sanskar - Uff doll you get hyper so quickly i very well know abhimanyu has gone office and i also know one thing he won't return back till 1 hour so i can do anything in this 1 hour
Swara - your mind get damage or what sanskar what rubbish your talking just get lost from here i am hell sleepy and i don't want to talk with you about anything so you better get lost from here
Sanskar - no i will not go till that time till i won't feel to go back so it's waste of energy of yours if you will try to send me back to hotel
Swara - are you serious sanskar don't joke i tell you i am sleepy and i am not at all interested in your stupid logic and stories so just get lost
Sanskar - how much you will denied that you don't love me when your eyes always finds mine when your heart always beats for me only
Swara - it's your misunderstanding mr sanskar maheswari there is nothing like that so you just stop assuming things according to your way i don't love you
Sanskar - okey so you don't love me leave about this i will also not talk about anything related this well i forget to tell you one thing sanvi is really sweet and cute just like you
Swara - i very well know about my daughter mr maheswari you don't need to tell me about that and is that you who give her chocolates about whom she was talking
Sanskar - ohh so she tell you about me well she keep name for me do you know about that shona (swara look toward sanskar hearing him)
Swara - i don't want to know about anything Mr maheswari so it's better you keep your mouth shut and get lost from here right now
Sanskar - no i won't go anywhere what problem do you have with me that your always said me to go away from you i have finally got you so do you think i will go away from you
Swara - sanskar why your like this yaar go na i am really hell tired please go let me sleep now to-morrow morning i need to wake up early to-morrow is haldi ceremony of shivin bhai and shanaya please let me sleep now and you go from here
Sanskar - only at one condition (Swara look toward sanskar) you have to accept my condition (swara get confused hearing sanskar) what i said during mehandi ceremony of shivin and shanaya
Swara - just shut up sanskar i am not going to do anything like this so you better don't say anything like this and now just get lost from here
Sanskar - i know you still love me that's why your not ready to marry with abhimanyu this is only the reason well if you will accept it and said it to me then i won't say anything to you shona really
Swara - i don't love you abhi is my husband and i don't need to prove this to anyone specially to you mr sanskar maheswari so now get lost
Sanskar - you can do this drama infront of anyone but not infront of me because i very well know about you well you can do how much drama you have to do i am giving you only 12 hours to-morrow morning get ready come back in my life otherwise i am gonna do something unexpected in your life which you never thought of and you better know me doll
Swara - you have totally losted your mind na that's why your talking like this right sanskar
Sanskar - no doll till now i haven't lost my mind but I can if you again repeat this my abhi my abhi puran infront of me did you really forget who am i or your just doing drama
Swara - you just can't scare me like this sanskar how much time i have to tell you that i have move on in my life then now why your interfering in my life destroying it again i have one kid now can't you see that
Sanskar - what is your it is mine too i don't have any problem with that cutie pie i will accept her whole heartily she is cute just like you
Swara - sanskar enough this is not any drama she is abhimanyu's daughter and you have no right to snatch anyone's daughter from him
Sanskar - when he snatch my wife didn't you give this lecture to him that time you must have think about this how much polite way i should make you understand you won't understand that i know very well so it's better you think what you have to do you have 12 hours once i come at myself you know i can cross my all limits to get what i want don't take me for granted see you to-morrow (sanskar go from there abhi who come out for drinking water see what happened he sign heavily go out behind sanskar)
Abhimanyu - sanskar wait (he turn and look toward abhimanyu) i want to talk with you something important (sanskar what about to say something) me and swara aren't married with each other (sanskar look toward abhi) yes and even sanvi is not my daughter
Sanskar - so did shona adopted her (abhimanyu shake his head in no) then what if she didn't married you and adopted sanvi who's child she is
Abhimanyu - YOURS (sanskar look toward abhimanyu in utter shock) yes sanvi is your and swara's baby when swara come here that time she was pregnant with sanvi i give her my name because swara said me i love aarohi i am just name shake husband of swara infront of outer world you know how society people look toward girl when she is carrying baby so that's why we are leaving as husband wife from this much year rather than that there is nothing between us i try to make swara understand but she is not ready to listen me that's why having no option i tell you about this
Sanskar - when she herself don't wanted to come at my life then what can i do with this she is hurting me saying this all so it's obvious she don't want me in her life
Abhimanyu - sanskar it's not about shona it's about sanvi she will not accept swara if she will come to know that her mumma lied with her about her father identity this much year her mother keep her away from her papa
Sanskar - she is just small child why she will think something like this about her own mumma we can make sanvi understand about this
Abhimanyu - no sanskar you don't know about her she is very stubborn as equal to shona if once she don't like something then she won't even touch it no matter what happened she will start hating shona and this thought also scare her to the death
Sanskar - leave sanvi's matter on me first i will make her understand then her stubborn mumma you don't worry about that thanks for help
Abhimanyu - i am doing this for shona because i know she still love you alot but due to sanvi's hate which she don't want to bear she is stopping herself to accept you and she is just hurting you because of that
Sanskar - i know how to deal with her stubbornness you don't worry i will handle both of them (sanskar go from there back to hotel he what about to-go inside his room stop hearing kartik's voice) what happened bhai
Kartik - where you have gone sanskar that too this much late (sanskar look toward kartik)so you have gone to shona's house (sanskar just nods) sanskar why your worsening the situation now she have daughter ....
Sanskar - MY DUAGHTER ........... exactly bhai she having my daughter near her (kartik look toward sanskar in utter shock) did you forget who is she so let me tell you she is swara sanskar maheswari in her whole life she have love only one person and that is me so what made you think she will give my right to someone eles and i will bring my wife and daughter back in my life like i have not given her place to anyone eles so she will also not do that
Kartik - what you will do now (sanskar look toward kartik) don't tell me you gonna take wrong way to bring them in your life
Sanskar - when person don't want to come by his own wish then there only one way left to bring that person in our life i will just use that nothing eles bhai and now she can't do anything i have given her 12 hours if she herself ready to come in my life then it's okey and if she won't come then i know many way she have forget who am i so now i think it's time to make her remember that what what i can do (he go inside his room kartik looks on he sign heavily he know coming between sanskar's matter is not going to do anything because he is not going to hear anyone when it's matter of swara he go to his room sanskar off his room light lay down on bed) so need to show you back what what i can do to get you because you have forget everything doll and now it will start from start only last time it was ragini bhabhi so this time it will be our small princess i know it will hurt you alot but you haven't left any other option toward me i left with no option doll i will make our princess understand that she don't need to hate her mumma because whatever she have done it's happened long back now it's time to stay with you both as happy family and i will get you both back in my life by hook or by crook (swara who was thinking about sanskar look toward sanvi who was sleeping she don't know what will sanskar do but she know him when it's comes to her he won't listen anyone and do anything with difficulty she fall in sleep while think about this. In morning it's shivin and shanaya's wedding day swara go to hotel in morning look for all the arrangements she give instructions to worker's then go out her mind is still around sanskar's warning she dash with naira she look toward her)
Naira - careful be focus on work shona if you will be not concentrated then how will be work done never do that work which hurt you well what your doing here early morning only
Swara - i am wedding planner so obviously i am doing my work only bhabhi what you expected me to do here more rather than that
Naira - shona you can't everytime ignore everyone's question all person having right to know everything but still your behaving you haven't done anything wrong with anyone
Swara - bhabhi i have said caterers they will bring food on time and decorators they have almost done with there work only last moment things are left you don't worry everything will be done on time i assure you for that (swara go from there naira looks on she sign heavily and go inside because she know swara will not gonna say anything she see kartik talking with ritik she go near him he look toward her)
Kartik - what happened do you want to say something you seems to be tensed is everything okey (naira look toward kartik hearing him)
Naira - from morning sanskar is nowhere to seen knowing this also you are behaving like you don't care about this what's wrong with you kartik or you know where he is what we gonna say to shanaya when she will ask where is sanskar
Kartik - sanskar will himself see what he have to do with this matter he himself gonna give answer to shanaya i don't know where he has gone but he will come back before wedding rituals gets start
Ritik - bhabhi whatever happening infront of his eyes it's not easy for him to digest understand his situation we can't everytime be with him he need his alone time to accept everything
Kartik - do you think like that then you still don't know sanskar ritik he won't gonna accept shona being someone eles he will not gonna let her do that no matter what happened shona thinking everything is so easy
Ritik - bhai shona has move on she have daughter now then you still think our sanskar will gonna get her in his life still
Kartik - hmmm so this is still hided from everyone SANVI IS SANSKAR'S DUAGHTER ONLY SHE IS NOT ABHIMANYU AND SHONA'S BABY SHE IS SHONA AND SANSKAR'S BABY YESTERDAY SANSKAR FIND OUT ABOUT THIS (ritik and naira get shocked beyond limit hearing kartik) so now do you guys thought he will seat silently of course he will not because it's matter of his daughter now not only shona i don't know what he is going to do but he is going to do something for sure (raglak who come there hear Kartik)
Ragini - what he is going to do bhaiya (kartik turn hearing ragini) he can't do anything with shona tell him i am not against his happiness but he can't do something stupid again to get shona say him to talk to her make her understand may be shona will listen to him doing something stupid he will just worsen the situation nothing eles
Kartik - then shona also don't have any right to hide about sanvi from him she can't do with him like this here she being selfish she is only   thinking about herself ragini
Ragini - yes i know but she can't be without sanvi. sanskar can't use sanvi for this all he always use her weakness to do something stupid and then end up doing something dangerous like always
Ritik - bhabhi your thinking about shona only what about sanskar whatever he bear that was fair shona just go leaving him it was right no then now if he doing something for himself then how it's become wrong
Ragini - because more than love your brother has given pain to my shona if you guys has forget about this then let me remind you guys his wrong deed list which will be fresh up in your mind i already said i am not against his happiness but where by talking everything get solved he just do something stupid and then repent for his mistake
Kartik - he is not going to listen anything it's between him and shona it's good that if we all not interfere in this matter now let them do what they want let's focus on marriage work and no more discussion about this matter nor shona has till now listen anyone nor sanskar so why you guys want to waste your time in this (he go from there naira and ritik also go from there ragini look toward laksh)
Laksh - i think bhai is saying truth we should not interfere in this matter ragini because this time shona have fault it was just his and her fight but now sanvi is involved here sanskar won't stay quite at this matter
Ragini - i hope he won't hurt shona i know she is having fault but he should not hurt her wrong i know unknowingly knowingly shona has hurted him alot she didn't even once thought about him before going but still he should think before doing something (laksh sign heavily hearing ragini but even he know about sanskar who won't seat quietly now when he know about sanvi)
Laksh - he love shona so he will not hurt her much and then make her understand also everything come today is wedding so work are not done still we have to look after some arrangements even then have to get ready (ragini nods and go with laksh to look after wedding arrangements thinking about swara and sanskar)

PRECAPE - sanskar kidnapped sanvi to make swara agree to get married with him after shivin and shanaya's wedding. Sanskar blackmail swara 😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😱😟😱😟😟😱😱😟😟😱😱😟😱😟😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😱😟😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😱😟😟😱😟😱😱😟😱😟🙂😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟😱😟

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