Long Live the Queen

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          “Long live the queen.” A single tear left Prince Charles’ eyes, leaving a soft glisten down his worn cheek. “Let the people know,” he let go of her dead hand, “the queen is dead.” the other people in the room left with their hearts broken. Moments later it was all over the world, “The longest reigning monarch of England, Queen Elizabeth II, is dead.”
          Back at the royal residence, the family of Windsor mourned their beloved family member as she lay in her deathbed. Tears were shed all around. Love is rarely stronger than those for relatives.
          “M-may I have a moment alone with her?” Lady Louise asked her family. Her and the previous queen had been close. If Elizabeh had a favorite it was probably her. Each person took their leave after saying public goodbyes. Finally they were alone. Louise took her grandmother’s hand. “You were brilliant in your time. Everyone will miss you,” she paused, “I just… I just don’t understand why you didn't wait till you were 100…” Without even opening her eyes, the queen bursted out into laughter. “You could have waited four more years! ‘Dying’ at 96 is so unsatisfying!”
          “I am tired! I don’t want to wait four more years. That also just seems a bit too eye-catching- dying right at 100.”
          “I think you dying at all is too eye-catching. You should just let everyone know you’re incapable of such mortal whims. I think it’s more believable.” They both shared a good, small laugh. “So what will you do now?” Louise inquired. How was one of the most famous people on earth supposed to live out the rest of her immortal days without being recognized for a good century or two- possibly more? Shakespeare and Hathaway took 4 centuries to come back into the open.
          “Oh not much. Probably just roam around the secret corridors and ‘chillax’ in the bunker. I plan on whispering ideas on how to run the country into Charles’ ear as he sleeps, so that will be fun. Hopefully he doesn’t die right away from madness.”
          “Well, I wish you luck. I hope you’ll leave me a way to come visit you every now and then.” Louise smiled at her grandmother. She had known since she was a little girl that the conspiracies and silly theories were true. When the Queen was more youthful, she had held a secret meeting with Anne Hathaway and her husband, Adam Shulman (William Shakespeare). They had given her their secret of immortality in exchange for fame when they came back out into the open. The Queen wanted to wait to use it, and now was finally the time.
No one knew. No one except little Lady Louise Winsdor.
          “Of course I’d let you visit. It’ll be dreadfully boring living my time out alone. I’ll need a few people to keep me company. Who better than my most beloved granddaughter?” They shared a warm smile before an unwelcome knock presented itself at the door.
          “Louise, are you done now? It’s time.” It was Andrew.
          “Yes, I’ve made my peace.” She left the Queen with a smile on her lips and a longing in her eyes. She loved Elizabeth, she just wished the queen would let her love her longer.
          That night as everyone lay sleeping in their beds, even the former queen thought to be dead, several pairs of eyes jolted open at thoughts of schemes. Elizabeth packed her most treasured treasures in preparation of going into hiding that night. As she packed away her things, her door creaked open without a second’s notice. Andrew had walked in.
          “God save the queen,” he gasped in astonishment. “You are alive.” The queen dropped her rucksack in surprise at her being found out. “How…H-how are you still alive? We saw you dead!”
          “Oh hush now, Andrew,” She composed herself, “anyone can conjure up the right sleeping drought with the right friends and enough money.” The boy accepted his confusion and jumped straight to idiocy.
          “Well, now that you’re alive, you can continue your rule! Charles isn't the King!”
          “Ah tut tut tut tut tut,” she halted him, “Charles will be king, whether I'm truly dead or not.”
          “But, I don’t understand.”
          “My time is done, child. I no longer wish to be queen.”
          “You can't do that though! That’s not how the monarchy works. You are alive, you are still queen!” He was getting angry now. Confused people often misplace emotions.
          “I am not the queen… and I'm not alive.” This made Andrew even more confused. “I’ve passed away peacefully in my bed. Immortals have to die some time or another.”
          “Oh, sweet Andrew,” she walked up to him and began rubbing his arm lovingly. He was one of her favorites too. “Death has knocked on my door many times. I’ve invaded him time and time again. I hide in plain sight, cloaked under the veil of midnight. I am invisible to him.” Andrew’s face soon changed from puppy eyes and gaped mouth, to a devilish smirk and a scheming brow.
          “Thanks for letting me know.” He pushed Elizabeth away and pulled a gun to the front of her chest. “I happened upon your little conversation with Louise earlier today. It was hard to grasp at first, but I’ve heard the conspiracies. The ones about you and your immortal friends. I’m not entirely surprised, but I think Louise is wrong. If the people find out it’ll be a real riot. That’d be real fun, no?”
          “You can’t tell anyone. It would ruin everything.”
          “Oh? Hm… I suppose I could keep it a secret. In exchange for the cloak.”
          “What cloak?” The former queen’s glaire was sending daggers through Andrew’s spine, but he wouldn’t dare show his wavering.
          “Oh please, ‘cloaked under the veil of midnight?’ You are ‘invisible’ to death? I’ve heard of Harry Potter, mother.”
          “Wow,” she began, “you really are an idiot.” With that she pulled out her own weapon and shot fire straight through the Prince’s chest. “No loose ends.”
She decided to leave the body there. No one could blame someone who was dead and gone. Before she departed into the secret room beyond the walls she called out to her dearest granddaughter.
          “Louise.” The room after that was left so quiet only the young girl’s thundering heartbeat could be heard. She showed herself, appearing from out behind the door.
          “I know why you’re here. I thought you of all people would be the least likely to betray me like this.” Louise’s heart pounded louder and faster. It was so far up her throat she thought she might vomit.
          “No! I- I just- just wanted-” She stumbled over her words like a pathetic newborn baby.
         “You’ve seen what I do to those who try to get in my way. Be a dear and bring me some rations every month.”
          “Yes, grandmother.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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